You’re here because you are looking for the best affiliate marketing course for beginners.


You’re in the right spot.

Let’s dive in.

Considerations Before Making The Purchase

I actively purchased, worked through, and reviewed literally hundreds of courses, books, and trainings on the topics of

  • online business and marketing
  • marketing for small businesses
  • affiliate marketing
  • CPA marketing
  • traffic generation (free & paid)
  • list building (lead generation)
  • email marketing

and many more.

And to be completely honest:

Many courses and most of the information was either misleading, not straight to the point, outdated, just plain wrong, and some even dangerous.

Therefore, I’d highly suggest you always do your own research and thorough due dilligence before making any purchase decision.

Criteria And Due Dilligence

At the very least, you want to check if

  • the person making the recommendation knows his stuff and is able to produce results,
  • the person behind the course (vendor/creator)
    • seems legit (no shady background/past)
    • is actually reachable (at least via email),
    • is drinking his own cool-aid (practically doing in the markets - every day - the techniques that are presented in the material),
    • is NOT some serial garbage-product launcher (if a person launches a new product every 14 days, there’s NO WAY it’s all high-quality), and
  • the main methods/strategy presented in the course sound legit and make sense to you
  • the method/strategy is proven and evergreen

Before you make any purchase, I suggest you disregard anything that’s not part of or fits into your overall business strategy.

If Possible, Buy Only “Risk-Free”

What does that mean?

Most online retailers (like Clickbank) practically force vendors to implement very generous money-back guarantees.

That’s good for you because if the product is absolute garbage and does not deliver at all on it’s promises, you can get a refund.

At the same time, I suggest you don’t exploit these guarentees, for several reasons.

First, if the product is good and produces results, you got what you wanted in the first place, right?

I think it’s only fair if the vendor gets his money as well in this case.

Second, online retailers will ban you from their platforms if you overdo it, because it causes issues with their payment service providers for them.

And third, if the vendor is good and trustworthy, and delivered on the promises, you don’t want to get on his/her blacklist.

Asking for a refund would probably cause most vendors to blacklist you.

So please do yourself a favor and don’t take advantage of generous money-back guarantees, if the vendor delivered on his/her promises.

Different Situations For Different People

It goes without saying that, for the few recommendations that I give here, I already did the research for you.

So in this article, I present the best beginner-friendly courses to learn profitable affiliate marketing from scratch.

All recommendations are

  • 100% beginner-friendly, require
  • no tech-skills or experience, and are
  • easy to follow.

Depending on your budget and goals, these are my favorites:

Best Overall Affiliate Marketing Course

After going through hundreds of affiliate marketing courses, I can tell you with confidence that The Freedom Launchpad is exactly what you’re looking for:

  • Extremely beginner-friendly, step-by-step video course
  • Straight to the point, no fluff
  • Done-For-You funnel, paying out 80% affiliate commissions throughout the complete funnel (unheard of!)
  • Complete training from a-z
  • Comes with a very affordable page/funnel builder
  • Great, helpful community

If you want to learn professional affiliate marketing, step-by-step, and/or you’re looking for a complete business in a box solution, The Freedom Launchpad is your perfect choice!

It’s very affordable (low one-time payment), up-to-date (2021), and with this system you can start making money online ASAP!

If you’re operating within the “Internet Marketing / Home Business” nice, you’ll absolutely love the DFY funnel.

80% affiliate commissions - by default - throughout the entire funnel give you a distinct advantage over other affiliates, especially when starting out!

Oh, I almost forgot: They provide a really great lead magnet as well, go check out The 30 Minute Escape Plan here. It’s 100% free.

With that, you can all do it on your own…

… Or choose the fastlane and get The Freedom Launchpad here.

It’s your choice! =)

Simply get in touch with me here if you have any questions…

Best “Free/Organic Traffic” Affiliate Marketing Course

If you want to start with affiliate marketing primarily using “free”/organic traffic from the search engines (SEO), Wealthy Affiliate is your best choice.

It’s free to sign up, comes with 10 valuable beginner lessons, and if you’re really serious about building your affiliate marketing business, WA has a great community.

You can even host your website/blog with them.

Personally, I’m a WA premium member since 2018 and I’ll be there to help you on the inside once you sign up for free here.

If you prefer to read my full review of Wealthy Affiliate first, you can find it here.

But keep in mind, if you are looking for the fastest results possible, get The Freedom Launchpad here.

Wealthy Affiliate is great, and I made a couple of good friends there.

But the truth is, building a website and creating content will take some time… If you’re prepared for that, then Wealthy Affiliate is a great way to build your online business with “free”/organic traffic!

Closing Thoughts

I hope you find this article helpful.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

PS: Start and grow your very own, profitable affiliate marketing business, today!

==> This Is Exactly How - Price: $0.00