This page shows a few results that I got (a while back) from affiliate marketing.

I share these results with you for two reasons:

  1. To show you that I’m able to produce results and I helped clients achieve the same
  2. To give you an idea of what kind of results you can expect shortly after starting your online business - if you put in the required work.

By no means are these my biggest earnings; I just want to show you some proof and that it’s very possible to make a decent, stable income from affiliate marketing.

You don’t have to agree with everything I’m saying, but you can’t argue with the results.

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You’ll find more proof of results below.

An Excerpt Of Achieved Results

Excerpt of results from affiliate marketing

Sales contest

Yearly recurring affiliate commissions proof

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WarriorPlus affiliate commissions proof

Wealthy Affiliate Payout proof

WarriorPlus Top 25 Percent Affiliate

WarriorPlus Sales Proof - Passive Income At Night

Zaxaa Affiliate Sales Results Proof

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Beware Of Fake Screenshots Etc.

Let’s face it:

Everywhere - but especially online - it is very hard to figure out who is just talking big and who is really able to produce tangible results.

Within the internet marketing, biz opp, “make money from home” and “make money online” (MMO) niches there are far too many dodgy people to count.

I’m talking about total liars who are producing crappy, useless products, often under fake names.

Complete garbage.

You’ve probably been let down a couple of times and you want to figure out who is not just teaching (or pretending), but who is actually walking the walk.

Who is in the trenches just like you, every day.

And who you can trust.

The sole purpose of this page is to show that I’m able to produce results for me and my clients. Nothing else.

This page is not about bragging or showing off.

I simply show you an excerpt from a few results and accomplishments that I got after putting in some work.

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A Few Words About Me

For the complete story, you can read my about page here.

Personally, I was not born into an entrepreneurial-type family.

Really, quite the opposite.

Furthermore, I didn’t know any successful affiliate marketer in person when I first started out.

And - sorry to disappoint you - I never was “the cool kid in school running a lemonade stand at the age of 6”.

I wasn’t an early childhood entrepreneur kind of school kid.

Again, quite the opposite is true actually.

You know, the story you’re hearing from so many “entrepreneurs” these days.

Nope. Not at all.

I was quite average. In fact, if there’s something like the personification of average, it was me.

After finishing my a-levels at age 20, I worked in three different careers for the next 12 years, before I was finally forced to make some important decisions in my life.

I fought my way through some real hardships and setbacks.

And even today I wouldn’t say “I’ve made it” to anyone, but I feel pretty confident about my ability to deal with any obstancle that appears on my way.

Plus, I’m extremely optimistic about the future and I’m sure I’ll work my way further up the ranks and affiliate leaderboards…

Today, I can live off my online affiliate earnings and I’m truly grateful for it!

Know Thyself

I know what works for me and what doesn’t when it comes to making money online and affiliate marketing.

I know how to start and grow online businesses in a sustainable and profitable way.

I know how to drive traffic to my websites, funnels and links, and how to effectively buy online advertising placements / media buying.

Plus, I know how to generate leads (list building), and how to effectively follow-up and nurture these leads, how to email market, how to create funnels, etc.

If things don’t work right out of the gate - which they rarely do - I know how to improve my results.

I know how to learn new things, how to test, how to test even more, when and how to pivot and move on, and how to persist.

Today, I understand the importance of marketing in business.

(Fact: Marketing is your business!)

I understand the importance of delivering value first to the marketplace.

I understand the importance of taking action and getting into the execution loop.

And even more important, I know how to make progress and keep on going in the right direction, even under less-than-ideal circumstances and regular setbacks.

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going

This is tremendously important and probably the most valuable skill there is to learn, master and embody in your life to achieve success and the results you want.

Does that mean that I’m a flawless machine, an inhuman robot without any weaknesses and failures?

No, not at all.

I’m making lots of mistakes every day and the more I learn the more I realize I know almost nothing.

But I know exactly what I have to do to produce and achieve certain results.

And that’s really powerful!

It puts you in the driver’s seat of your life and it opens up a hard to describe pleasant stillness, an underlying, extremely enjoyable silence in the background.

It gives you room to breathe, think and act decisively, even when the times are hard.

How This Page Can Help You

If you are reading this, chances are you’re not able to live off of your affiliate commissions yet.

You either make zero or not enough online income yet.

The important word here is yet.

Because chances are, you already know what you have to do to scale things up.

Well, that’s exactly what I do and what I want to help you with.

I did it, and so can you!

That’s actually the core message I’m trying to get across here.

No matter if you follow any of my recommendations, or not.

If you are willing to put in the work and take action on what you learn here, you’re heading in the right direction and results will be just a matter of time.

Use this page as inspiration or completely ignore it - it’s up to you.

These are simply a few of the results to be expected in a couple of months after starting your very own online affiliate marketing business.

That’s all.

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A Word Of Warning

Unfortunately, really everything can be photoshopped, edited and faked today.

Text, press releases, websites, blogs and talking big are a given.

Screenshots and reports can be and regularly are faked.

Even everything you see on video can be totally out of context or completely, 100% fake - or copied from somewhere else entirely.

So I’d encourage you to look twice at any “proof of results” from any guru or online marketing pro.

What Exactly Are These Results About?

Making money online comes down to

  • getting the attention of potential clients (traffic generation),
  • converting that traffic into leads (lead generation or list building),
  • building trust and rapport with your list,
  • sharing great, helpful offers, and
  • making sales (generating affiliate commissions).

That’s why I exclusively show these things (traffic & lead gen, affiliate commissions) above.

I know that you love to see some specific PayPal numbers and sales figures, so I included a few sales figures.

But keep in mind that these numbers are pretty useless by themselves.


Because gurus can create - seemingly impressive - high sales figures by just spending a bunch of money on ads, and often they’re losing money on the front-end.

Of course, nobody would know or even suspect it…

Here’s the thing: It’s simply revenue.

As long as we don’t know anything about the expenses (money and time wise) for ads/media buying or other traffic generation tactics, we don’t know what the true profit margins are.

Plus, PayPal and other account numbers could be completely faked, by simply sending money back and forth… Or other stupid things.

So again, these figures are pretty intransparent by themselves, but I hope they proove at least the point that I know what I’m talking about.

Reminder: Keep in mind that everything can be faked and copied from somewhere else today, especially online.

So I only show you numbers and figures that you can expect within a few couple of months from starting your online business.

I am able to produce results with the methods and strategies I show on my website.

That’s all I’m trying to show here. 🙂

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Closing Thoughts

Don’t make the mistake of disregarding my information as “not worth it” because I don’t show the craziest numbers here like so many other fake gurus.

I’m an online business owner, and I do this for a living.

Most of my income comes directly from affiliate commissions.

I don’t like to brag or show off, so I don’t put all or even my highest earnings here.

All you should be focusing on right now is getting started and making your first affiliate commissions online, as soon as possible so that you can prove to yourself that

  • it’s possible (in general),
  • it’s possible for you,
  • it’s legit, working, scalable, reliable, repeatable, and a lot of fun.

Affiliate marketing can be extremely profitable, and it can be done from anywhere… 🙂

But I guess you already know that by now.

I am an affiliate marketer and I run my online business for a living, full-time.

At the same time, I see no point in showing off, renting Lambos or making otherwise stupid expenses only to impress newbies or trick anyone into buying useless stuff.

My life is awesome because I have a lot of freedom.

That wouldn’t be possible if I would buy a villa with a huge garage, just to put bookshelves in it, place rented cars in the background and talk about knowledge… 😉

I really hope you can relate.

If you’re making $20k/month in affiliate commissions and you want to scale your business to $100k/month, you’re speaking with the wrong person.

I haven’t done that myself yet, so I don’t teach it.

But if you haven’t made your first couple of grand in online commissions yet, and you’re striving to earn a decent, stable income online, primarily from affiliate marketing - I am your guy.

I really hope this helps! 🙂

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,


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