These are my personal book notes of Trust Funnel by the author Brian G. Johnson.

Let’s dive in.


  • Author: Brian G. Johnson
  • Title: Trust Funnel
  • Subtitle: Leverage Today’s Online Currency To Grab Attention, Drive And Convert Traffic, And Live A Fabulous Wealthy Life
  • First published: 2015
  • Type: non-fiction
  • Genre: marketing / online marketing
  • Author’s website:
  • Rating: 4/5
  • Recommended: Yes

Table Of Contents Of The Book

ble of Contents

  • Acknowledgments
  • Foreword
  • Introduction: One-Click Cash Money
    • How to Drive Traffic and Convert It into Money
    • What’s a Trust Funnel?
    • Trust Factor - The Easy Way
    • An Entrepreneur in the Making
    • Ka-BOOM!
    • Tinker, Tailor - Teacher, Trainer
    • Why I Wrote Trust Funnel
  • Chapter 1: The Rabbit Hole and the Red Pill
    • Choosing the Red Pill
    • Do I Really Need to Create a Website?
  • Chapter 2: Creating a Success Philosophy and Mindset
    • Knowing Your Stuff and Sharing Your Solution
    • Whenever Possible, Simplify and Prioritize
    • The Very Best You
    • The Golden Rule of Internet Marketing
    • Demographics and the Golden Rule
    • Be In Control, Have a Well-Thought-Out Plan
    • Publishing Assets
    • Dealing with Naysayers
    • Finding My Signature
    • The Productivity Ritual
  • Chapter 3: Secret Success Ingredients - Your Personal Brand
    • Secret Success Ingredients That We’ll Cover
    • Success Leaves Clues
    • Success Strategy #1: Incorporate multimedia into your marketing messages
    • Success Strategy #2: Build your brand, your voice, and your audience
    • Success Strategy #3: Give your end users what they want
    • It’s All How You Frame It
    • Day-One Experts
    • Getting Started on a Shoestring Budget
    • Finding Your Voice
    • Success Strategy #4: Be the Hero!
    • Your Superhero Storyline
    • Hero Elements to Include in Your Storyline
    • Perceived Value
    • Visual Wizardry
  • Chapter 4: The Evolution of Google Rankings and the Trust Matrix
    • Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory
    • Link Building, Web Spam, and Google
    • Robots and Evolution of the Early Google Algorithm
    • Powered by Robots: The Achilles Heel for Google
    • The Pivot: Google, Facebook, “Likes,” and Humanoids
    • A Powerful Question
  • Chapter 5: Choosing Your Niche Market
    • Your Trust Funnel Vision
    • Publish Across the Big Sites
    • Choosing Your Trust Funnel Niche
    • Competition and the Size of the Pond
    • Competition and Commercial Intent
    • Fail-Safe #1: Consumer Demand
    • Fail-Safe #2: Personal Knowledge and Experience
    • Fail-Safe #3: Passion
  • Chapter 6: Pushbutton Trust and Traffic
    • Brand Research and Considerations
    • Branding Formula: The Anchor Method
    • The Power of Including a Formula
    • Word Mash - Finding a Suitable and Available Domain
    • Social Account Name Availability
    • Creating a Tagline
    • Registration: Steps for Success
  • Chapter 7: Bones of the Brand and Blog
    • Self-Hosted WordPress Website
    • But What About
    • WordPress Optimized Hosting
    • Connecting Your Domain to Your Hosting Account (DNS)
    • 1. WordPress Installation and Optimization
    • 2. Deletion of Preinstalled WordPress Content
    • 3. Configuring WordPress Settings
    • 4. Setting Up Keyword-Driven Categories
    • 5. Extending Functionality and Powering Up Your Site with Plugins
    • 6. Brand Logo, Header, and Social Media Graphics
  • Chapter 8: Experience-Based Solutions - The Blog Launch
    • Blog Post End Goal
    • Anchor Content and Experience-Based Solutions
    • Use of Images to Leverage Your Personality
    • Media Elements to Include and Types of Anchor Posts
    • Step-By-Step Startup Guide
    • How Often?
    • Launch Your Marketing Blog and Anchor Content
    • Posting Your Anchor Content with WordPress
    • Optimizing Your Post for the Search Engines
  • Chapter 9: 12-Step Trust Funnel Ranking Formula
    1. 100% Unique Content That’s Never Been Published Prior
    2. 1,000 Words, Minimum
    3. Identify the “Target” Long-Tail Phrase Via Yoast or Google
    4. Incorporate the Target Long-Tail Phrase into the WordPress Post or Page Title
    5. Create a Permalink Based on the Exact Target Long-Tail Phrase
    6. Begin SEO Title with Long-Tail Phrase
    7. Begin the Description with the Target Long-Tail Phrase
    8. Incorporate the Target Long-Tail Phrase in the First Fifty Words
    9. Include the Target Long-Tail Phrase in an H2 or H3 Tag
    10. Include the Target Long-Tail Phrase in “Alt Image Tag”
    11. Link from Other Pages on Your Site Using Some of the Words in Your Target Long-Tail Phrase
    12. Incorporate an Optimized Call to Action in Anchor Post Content
    13. Optimized Calls to Action
    14. Vary the Calls to Action
  • Chapter 10: Value-Added Promotions and the Auto List Builder
    • Your Marketing Blog Is About to Become an Auto-List-Building Machine
    • Tweaking the Machine to Optimize Conversions
    • What’s the Value of a Subscriber?
    • Banner Blindness
    • Common Website Structures and the Pattern Interrupt
    • Step-by-Step Instructions - The Optimized Call to Action
    • Email Promotions and Large Product Launches Strategy
    • A Word about Promoting Hard
  • Chapter 11: Video Marketing and the Power of YouTube
    • Give Value, Forget the Tech!
    • Getting Fancy Is Fine (Once You’re Proficient with Basics)
    • Why YouTube?
    • Setting Up Your YouTube Channel
    • General Tips for Video Success
    • How to Rank on YouTube and Get More Video Views
    • Stacking the Deck and Leveraging YouTube
    • Types of Video You May Want to Create
  • Chapter 12: Amazon Kindle: Instant Authority, Traffic, and Earnings
  • Chapter 13: Leveraging Facebook and Other Social Sites
    • Leveraging Social Media to Build Your Trust Funnel
    • The Social Media Playbook
    • Personal Profiles and Business Pages
    • Creating a Facebook (Business) Page
    • So What Should I Share on Facebook?
    • Social Media Status Update Ideas
    • Google+ Very Similar with Several Exceptions
    • The #1 Social Signal in Terms of Google Rankings
    • Google+ Second Largest User Base of Active Users
    • But What about Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram?
  • Conclusion: The Wealth War Cry

Key Concepts & Ideas

If you’ve ever wanted to quit your nine-to-five, have more time and financial freedom, work for yourself, and ultimately live a fabulous life as an online entrepreneur, this book is for you.

Trust Funnel is based on well over eleven years of full-time experience with driving traffic and converting that traffic into money by generating the sale of a product or service online.

These two components are the cornerstone of many online success stories, including my own, and they are also the focus of this book.

Success leaves clues.

In fact, not only does success leave clues but it provides a clear path forward.

Allowing anyone willing to take action a chance to live the life that so many people dream of but never realize.

Success is not about being the smartest guy (or gal) in the room, it’s not about being the first to discover the “perfect opportunity,” and it’s not about having the best tools for the job (although great tools certainly don’t hurt).

Rather, success is about assessing opportunity, creating a plan of action to achieve a desired outcome, and prioritizing daily efforts to meet that goal.

==> The ‘Opportunity’ And Plan Of Action

==> Income Producing Actions

==> Day Planner To Stay Focused

If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.
- Zig Ziglar

Trust has become one of the predominant, if not the predominant, factor in all areas of online marketing.

Trust powers the Google search algorithm.

Facebook’s entire platform is based on the “like” button (liking someone or something is a precursor to trust), and it’s not just Facebook that has adapted a voting system based on likes.

YouTube, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and similar sites empower users by allowing them to decide what they like and what they don’t.

When these sites see content that is liked and well received by their user base, they further push out that content to even more of their users.

This book will guide you through the process of launching and leveraging any web property that has been optimized to build trust, drive traffic, and make money - a Trust Funnel.

Please understand this is not about trickery or black hat Internet magic, but rather smart marketing strategies that will yield results for the long term.

An Entrepreneur In The Making

People love “easy”, and the Internet would provide just that.

But what was super exciting was that I knew the Internet would level the playing field for average folks, allowing them to cash in as it reached the masses.

To this day I can remember the thought of being able to tap into a worldwide network of people on a shoestring budget.

This is what makes the Internet different from all other forms of advertising and media.

Selling is not hard when people seek out what you’re offering.

I did my homework, studied, and, most importantly, took lots of action.

I never lost focus, and the results came.

Again, because this is important:

I focused, prioritized, and took action, which later paid off in a huge way.

I had achieved the American dream, and I was just getting warmed up.

One step at a time I focused on the skills needed to get the results I was after.

The Golden Rule Of Internet Marketing

Stated simply, the golden rule of Internet marketing is find out what people want, and give it to them.

Sounds so easy, yet people mess this up (because they don’t know better) all the time.

It’s about identifying the wants and needs of your future site visitors and customers and giving them what they’re after.

This golden rule is really two items wrapped up into one.

  • Find out what others want
  • Give it to them

People do not fail at Internet marketing, they simply give up before the magic happens.
- Brian G. Johnson

12 Step Trust Funnel Ranking Formula

As you publish content to your site, simply follow these guidelines and you will address what’s most important with Google.

  1. 100% Unique Content That’s Never Been Published Prior
  2. 1,000 Words, Minimum
  3. Identify the “Target” Long-Tail Phrase Via Yoast or Google
  4. Incorporate the Target Long-Tail Phrase into the WordPress Post or Page Title
  5. Create a Permalink Based on the Exact Target Long-Tail Phrase
  6. Begin SEO Title with Long-Tail Phrase
  7. Begin the Description with the Target Long-Tail Phrase
  8. Incorporate the Target Long-Tail Phrase in the First Fifty Words
  9. Include the Target Long-Tail Phrase in an H2 or H3 Tag
  10. Include the Target Long-Tail Phrase in “Alt Image Tag”
  11. Link from Other Pages on Your Site Using Some of the Words in Your Target Long-Tail Phrase
  12. Incorporate an Optimized Call to Action in Anchor Post Content
  13. Optimized Calls to Action
  14. Vary the Calls to Action

Conclusion: The Wealth War Cry

You can do anything you set your mind to.

You can achieve great things, perhaps more than you have ever dared to dream.

It starts with being good to yourself, believing in yourself, surrounding yourself with positive messages and positive people, and taking control of your life.

Most important, have clear focus and a definite purpose in what you want to achieve.

Seize opportunity, which is a funny thing and often is close but never in plain sight.

Don’t expect a welcome invitation, and don’t ask if you can enter.

Rather, kick that mother down and announce your arrival.

I’m talking about taking the bull by the horns and hanging on for dear life as you face your fears head-on.

Having done this entrepreneur thing since 2000, I can attest that when I’ve lived life in this manner, I have always gotten what I set out to achieve.

It’s never been easy and the journey has always been an interesting one.

However, when I played it safe, the rewards were few and far between.

Above all, take care of you.

Understand that the journey we face day to day will have challenges.

Don’t quit three feet from gold; nurture that burning desire for success.

In my experience, these philosophies and this mindset is absolutely necessary to achieve success.

Most of the high-level entrepreneurs I know speak of these things.

You too can model yourself after success and adopt this very mindset.

Remember, success is not found in a plugin, some software code, or even a mentor.

It comes from inside you.

Closing Thoughts

My book notes only cover small parts of the book.

So if you like what you read, please consider buying the book from the author.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

PS: Start Your Own, Profitable Online Business From Scratch, Step-by-Step, Today!

==> Download The Free Online Business Blueprint (PDF)