Welcome to my personal resources page!

This is my toolkit, the same software and tools I use every day to make money online.

Think of this page as my personal, organized bookmarks page so I can access these resources easily.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means I might get a small compensation if you buy anything through this page.
I only recommend helpful products and services that I use myself.

The Exact Affiliate Marketing Process

If you want to make money online consistently from affiliate marketing:

Get The Free Online Business Blueprint Here

In addition, I highly recommend you go through this training.

Domain / Website / Hosting

Namecheap - I manage all my domains here.

Siteground - fast, managed WordPress hosting that I use and recommend, especially for beginners

If you sign up to Siteground via this page, you’ll get free access to The Perfect Website which shows you exactly how to set up everything in a professional way, including which plugins to use and why, etc.

Just get in touch with me after your purchase and I’ll share access to The Perfect Website with you.

Email Marketing

GetResponse - the autoresponder that I use and recommend. Simple to use, for beginners and pros, and works great for affiliate marketing.

Trust me when I say I’ve tried a lot of services and tools for professional email marketing.

In addition, I’m on most OGs’ email lists. So I can see what’s working - and what’s not.

Delivery of your emails & “inboxing” is not as easy as it once was.

However, there are a few tricks and procedures that I learned over the years to get your emails opened and your (affiliate) links clicked.

So I sat down, wrote down what I know about professional email marketing and created Email Marketing Secrets.

You get free access to it if you sign up to GetResponse via this page.

That way you’ll have access to today’s best email operating procedures and you’ll instantly be ahead of 95% of all email marketers.

Plus, you’re dealing with a professional email service provider.

Pretty cool, hm?

But let’s move on…

Landing Pages / Opt-In Pages

Instead of paying hundreds of $$$ every month for a slow and outdated “funnel builder” tool, I suggest something else:

Use what you already have access to.

If you’re working with a professional email service provider (see above), you’ll have access to simple page builders.

There’s really no need to pay extra for a funnel/page building tool - especially as a relatively new affiliate marketer!

That’s because you only need one(!) simple, high-converting, mobile-first, and fast landing page to get started.

Get on my email list here and I’ll show you how to do it.

Tracking Software

BeMob is the tracking software that I use and recommend. Simple to use, generous free entry tier, and good support.

Traffic Generation

No matter what niche you’re operating in: Go through this training and you’ll learn how to generate free, organic, highly targeted traffic for any niche and any product in a highly effective way.

High-Quality Stock Images



Image Manipulation Tools

canva.com - simple to use, great cloud graphics editor

remove.bg - remove backgrounds of images automatically

tinyjpg.com - great, free & fast JPEG and PNG compression

Advanced Productivity Workflow & Content Creation

GitHub - my code lives here. Epic service, 100% free!

Netlify - where I deploy my static pages. (like this site) Awesome service, free to start

Jekyll - the static site generator I’m currently using. (If you’re a complete newbie, stick to WordPress for now.)

MkDocs - alternative static site generator that’s perfect for online documentation and other projects

Material For MkDocs - the theme I’m using with MkDocs

Markdown - lightweight markup language I use to create almost all of my content & notes. It just works perfectly for me… Simple and clean plain text files.

More Tools That I Use

Otter.ai - awesome voice/speech to text software

StackEdit - great markdown editor

Hemingway Editor - helpful text editor, highlights lengthy, complex sentences and errors, helps to write bold and clear, without indirect speeech or fluff

Dillinger - another epic markdown editor

Trello - simple, powerful project management


Google Drive

Google Translate

Table Converter

More EPIC Resources

Fiverr.com - outsource work (really almost anything) online

Swiped.co - huge swipe file/archive of great marketing and copywriting examples

RemarkJS - simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool

Semrush - SEO, PPC, content, social media and competitive research

ahrefs - SEO toolset for backlinks and analysis, (competitive) research

moz - SEO tools and analytics software

KWFinder - keyword research

Keyword Tool - keyword research

AnswerThePublic - search listening tool / keyword research

Help Me, I’m A Complete Beginner! What Should I Do? Where Should I Start? I’m Confused!

  1. Get this. It’s 100% free.
  2. Read and understand what I’ll send you. This information is really powerful and can truly be life-changing.
  3. Go through the additional training that I’ll send you. It’s free to start.
  4. Start implementing the simple but powerful, proven strategy that I shared with you.
  5. If you have any questions: Get in touch with me here.

Please respect the order of the steps above.

Thank you.

But I Want More Help And Direct Access To You!

If you need a bit more “hand holding”, and have all your questions answered immediately and directly, and you want results in the fastest way possible:

Let’s talk.

Stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude