It’s too easy to lose perspective, get side-tracked and distracted in our fast-pacing online business world.

We face the constant bombardment of marketing messages, tons of crappy offers and - pardon - immense amounts of pure bullshit.

Let’s get some clarity by asking the right questions and gain perspective on our business lives.

Tine To Get Clarity And Perspective

Time For Some Foundational Questions

Recently I came across this (not even 3 minutes long) video.

In it, James Malinchak speaks at the 2009 Glazer-Kennedy Info-Summit:

Why Are You In Business?

We’re NOT in business to run a business.

We’re NOT in business to have a huge payroll, to run a big office, to have 50 employees,…

We’re in business to make money.

We’re in business to profit from our businesses.

That’s what we need to focus on.

ASF - Always Serve First

It’s a paramount principle that I try to incorporate in my own business every day.

I call it Value First.

Actually, this short blog post proves my point.

I hope you learn something from it, and I don’t ask for anything in return.

You can be yourself, and it builds trust.

Awesome stuff, really. All while being a cool dude… 😉

Plus, you position yourself as the expert on your chosen topic, automatically.

ABM - Always Be Marketing

This was a huge gamechanger for me personally.

This principle seems super basic - and in some way it is.

But once you truly understand that ANY business, no matter what the deliverable is (be it a product or service), is first and foremost in the marketing business - you’re onto something.

The money is to be made in the marketing of that business, not in the business itself.

It’s primarily NOT about the deliverable.

You’re not in the business of (insert any business here). You’re in the business of marketing your business/deliverable.
- Dan S. Kennedy

Of course, offering a superior product/service is required to stay in business, especially when you offer generous money-back guarantees.

But the thought “If you build it, they will come” is simply wrong.

In fact, it’s utterly dangerous.

You always want to think about new ways to market yourself and your business and how to systemize your marketing efforts.

We want to wake up in the morning and think:

How can we be unique?

How can we stand out from our competitors in our niche?

Here’s the third principle to move your business quickly in the right direction:

GSDF - Get Shit Done Fast

No need for a long explanation, hm? 🙂

Take action, execute fast.

Become a ruthless executor and get shit done fast.

You’ll always accomplish more through movement than you would through meditation.
- Gary C. Halbert

If you follow these principles, results will be inevitable.

Closing Thoughts

I hope you find this article helpful.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

PS: Become An Executor. Become A Super Affiliate:

==> This Is How.