Are you confused by all this internet marketing lingo and mumbo jumbo like funnels, gizmos, gimmicks, “done for you systems”, SEO hacks, loopholes, traffic hacks and shortcuts, conversion cheats, boosters, push-button crap and more complicated, ridiculous stuff?

Every time you try to do some research, you end up being confused or even worse buying some hyped-up, over-pitched and under-delivering product?

Are You Confused?

I know how you feel.

Not too long ago, I was desperate and confused.

Totally overwhelmed by all this online marketing stuff.

It seems like behind every article or video there’s only the next shiny tool that’s “absolutely necessary”, right?

Let’s stop the madness.

Ignore the shovel sellers for a minute.

Trust me, they’re still there when their fake-countdown timer hits zero.

Do you really need the latest “funnel builder” at this point?

Does it really make sense to buy an expensive hosting package right now?

Is this new, shiny “traffic blasting software” the real deal?

Or is it just another trick to pull money out of your pocket?

Let’s find out.

What Do I Really Need When Starting Out With Affiliate Marketing?

Here’s what you really need in the beginning:

  • A group of people with a similar, specific problem (niche)
  • A product or service to sell as the solution to that problem (affiliate offer)
  • A way to attract people to you and your offer (getting targeted traffic/eyeballs)

That’s it.

You find a group of people with a similar problem.

You create or find a suitable solution.

You present your offer to these people.

The end.

I’d like to add an optional, but in my opinion very important point:

  • A place and/or mechanism to present your offer to them, repeatedly (list building & email marketing)

This step is - theoretically speaking - not necessary to make your first affiliate sale online.

But you want to keep in mind that 97%+ of the people won’t buy from you - on the first encounter.

So, in order to be able to repeatedly communicate with them, help them and present your offer more than once, you need to find a way to get in touch with them.

Over and over again.

Plus, you can present new/different offers to the same people.

And that’s only possible if we collect some kind of contact information from them.

This could be via push notifications, or via chat bots.

But I prefer email.

Niche Selection - How Do I Know If My Niche Is Profitable?


If you can find several affiliate offers for your chosen niche, it’s a profitable one.

Where Do I Find Affiliate Offers?

How Do I Get Targeted Traffic To My Chosen Offer?

There are two major ways to get targeted eyeballs to your offers:

  1. working your way in / “free” traffic / organic traffic (content marketing and SEO) - slow but free
  2. buying your way in / paid traffic / media buying (advertising) - fast but paid

Ideally, you want to convert both traffic types above into traffic you own.

In other words: You want to grow your very own distribution channel / email list.

At that point, you can contact your list over and over again, at no or very small additional costs.

What Do I Need To Focus On?

I Want To Know More About Free/Organic Traffic And How I Get It

I Want To Know More About Making Advertising Work (Profitable Media Buying)

Make The Decision To End Running After Shiny Objects (“Shiny Object Syndrom”)

I totally get it.

I was 100% in the same situation as you are in now.

You are looking for shortcuts.


Because all this sounds like… Work.

And you are right!

I’m not here to lie to you or to tell you about some BS, non-existent “secret”.

There are no secrets.

There are no shortcuts.

I’m also not here to sell you the latest, shiniest, push button “traffic system”.

Media buying (advertising) can produce much faster results, it’s true.

But the groundwork still needs to be done.

And you still need to do plenty of testing and optimizing.

But it’s all doable.

And it can mean a ton of fun.

So now that you know about the industry and the fake “gurus”, don’t be fooled by their tricks.

Dude, I Don’t Get It. How Can I Contact You?


But please keep in mind I’m running a business here.

My clients are my priority.

Closing Thoughts

I hope you find this article helpful.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

PS: Become A Super Affiliate:

==> This Is How.