Welcome to my review of Udimi - the popular solo ads marketplace.

If you’re not sure what exactly solo ads are, check out my article on solo ads here.

But here’re the cliffnotes: Solo ads can be a very simple and affordable alternative to other paid traffic sources like PPC advertising (Pay Per Click) on search englines like Google or BING, or even social media.

Solo ads have some distinct advantages like getting traffic quickly without running into any compliance issues.

However, solo ads can be a bit tricky since it’s an unregulated market, and there are a lot of unethical solo ad sellers and re-sellers.

In this review we’ll take a deep look at the solo ad marketplace Udimi.

At the end of this review, you’ll know exactly - if you want to check out Udimi - how you can find the best solo ad sellers and get started in the right way.

Let’s dive in.

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Why Solo Ads In The First Place?

Why would anyone even look into solo ads?


If you’ve been trying to become successful at affiliate marketing, or online business in general, or even just online lead generation, you’ll know exactly how important traffic is to your business.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your online business.

No traffic = no business.

Simple as that.

Now, traffic generation is not an easy task for most people.

With “free”/organic traffic it usually takes a long time to see significant results.

And with the alternative, paid traffic, it’s easy to run into issues and barriers with the ad networks, like running into compliance issues and losing your account.

This is especially true in the “make money online” or “business opportunity” niche.

Facebook and Google simply don’t like this niche.

And solo ads can present an excellent alternative to that.

List Building (Lead Generation) & Email Marketing

I want to keep this part short:

Lead generation and email marketing are my priority, and here’s why.

Build Your Own Traffic & Lead Generation Empire - Price: $0.00 - Value: EPIC

In short: The goal is to drive traffic to lead capture pages to then be able to follow-up with your subscribers.

Ultimately, we want to build an audience that knows, likes, and trusts us, and follows our recommendations.

That’s how we as affiliate marketers make money online.

Bottom line: You need traffic and you want to focus on list building.

And if you want to accomplish your goals through solo ad traffic, Udimi might become the platform of your choice.

Closing Thoughts

This article is a work in progress.

Thanks for reading, I hope I helped you making a smart decision.

If you like to, check out Udimi here.

Stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

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Build Your Own Traffic & Lead Generation Empire! Price: $0.00 - Value: EPIC