These are my book notes on The One-Hour Content Plan by the author Meera Kothand.

Let’s dive in.


  • Title: The One-Hour Content Plan
  • Subtitle: The Solopreneur’s Guide to a Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sells
  • Author: Meera Kothand
  • Author’s website:
  • First published: 2017
  • Type: non fiction
  • Genre: marketing
  • Rating: 4/5
  • Recommended: Yes

Table Of Contents Of The Book

  • Introduction: The Big, Bold Promise
  • Section I: Your Content GPS: How to Set Yourself Up for Content Success
    • Chapter 1: Define Your Content Playing Field
    • Chapter 2: Find an Imaginary Friend in Your Ideal Reader
    • Chapter 3: View Your Content as a Linchpin in the Reader Journey
    • Chapter 4: Position Your Brand and Content in the Online Space
  • Section II: The One-Hour Content Plan
  • Section III: Content Ideation (Coming Up with Content Ideas)
    • Chapter 5: How to Build Content Around Topics That Are Relevant to Your Blog’s Purpose
    • Chapter 6: Content Ideas to Promote Your Product and Service Offers
    • Chapter 7: Goal and Content: A Recipe for Success
    • Chapter 8: Different Types of Posts to Feed Your Content Ideas
  • Section IV: The Perfect Content Package
    • Chapter 9: Inject Content with a Powerful Brand Voice
    • Chapter 10: What is the Best Content Format?
    • Chapter 11: How to Create Smart Blog Posts That Keep Readers Hooked
  • Section V: Content Promotional Pathways
    • Chapter 12: The Five Different Promotional Pathways
  • Section VI: How to Manage Your Editorial Workflow
    • Chapter 13: Do’s and Don’ts of an Editorial Calendar
    • Chapter 14: Tools to Manage an Editorial Workflow
  • Conclusion + Next Steps

Key Concepts & Ideas

When you’re not able able to articulate the direction you want your content to take your readers, it’s difficult for your readers to understand where you’re taking them too.

You have to get clear about why your blog exists.

How can you come up with an all-encompassing purpose or value proposition for your blog?

First, answer these two questions:

  1. What group do you want to help?
  2. In what area do you want to help them? Or: In what area do they struggle that you believe you can help them?

Plug your specific answer into one of these statements:

I educate/inspire/entertain/teach/help __ who want to __

I show __ how __

Personal remark: This is very similar to the mission statement formula that’s used by professionals of all kinds: I help __ to __ by __.

Once you’ve plugged in these pieces, you know why your blog really exists and who you’re helping. This is your blog’s purpose or value proposition.

Your ideal reader should become like an imaginary friend. You should know your ideal reader so well that you can start a conversation with her at any time. You know when she shakes her head because you say something she doesn’t agree with. You know what makes her smile or laugh. You know the questions she asks. You know how to charm and flatter her.
- Henneke Duistermaat (from Copyblogger)

Content that tries to attract everyone attracts no one.

A Typical Reader’s Journey

Stranger > Casual reader > Subscriber > Engaged subscriber and fan
> Brand advocate + Customer

The content tilt is what will separate you from everyone else in your niche.

The content tilt is what makes you and your content different.

This is what will get your audience to take notice of you and reward you with their attention.

There are a few ways you can find your own tilt:

  • What questions are your audience members asking but aren’t addressed in your niche?
  • What perspectives and viewpoints in your niche do you oppose or take an opposite view on?
  • What is everyone saying that isn’t necessarily true.
  • Do you disagree with any view point widely held in your niche?
  • Are there any specific methods you use that get your readers/clients results?
  • What are common misconceptions and mistakes readers have about the content in your niche?
  • What are your biggest light bulb moments that have impacted the way you do certain things and how you help your readers or clients?

All of these are questions you can ask yourself to help you figure out your own ‘content tilt.’

An Example Of How To Build Content Around Topics That Are Relevant To Your Blog’s Purpose

Example: A website for moms who are attempting to build a home VA business.

The categories could be:

  • Marketing yourself
  • Dealing with clients
  • Pricing your services

Let’s just work with one category right now.

Let’s break up the ‘Marketing’ category into

Category > Sub-Category > Blog posts

To pick out my sub-categories, I ask myself “what does the reader need to know to become proficient in this category?”

I then list sub-categories such as:

  • How to write a pitch
  • How to have a good writer website

I would then break each sub-category into topics (blog posts).

Sub-category 1: How to write a pitch

  • Should you cold pitch your VA service?
  • 20 essential elements that make a killer pitch
  • The perfect VA pitch template: What clients look out for before hiring
  • How to go from pitch to contract in 5 simple steps
  • 20 mistakes you make when you pitch a client
  • Cold vs Warm Pitches. Which is better?
  • 10 types of testimonials you need to have before pitching a high net worth client

Sub-category 2: How to have a good writer website

  • 5 Essential components of a freelance writer website
  • Is your website leaking potential leads and clients?
  • 10 authority boosting elements to add on your freelance writer homepage
  • 5 different types of content you need to attract your dream client
  • 10 tell tale signs your website needs a makeoveres

Meera Kothand On Content Formats

There’s no point in indulging in a content format that keeps you locked in a room for hours crying while trying to create.

The more you create content in the format that’s your strength, the more you attract your target audience.

Pick a format that you enjoy creating content in, moves you closer to your goals, gives you measurable results and that you can consistently produce.

Get consistent in one content format before choosing to add another.

Closing Thoughts

My book notes only cover small parts of the book.

So if you like what you read, please consider buying the book from the author.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

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