These are my personal book notes of The Official Get Rich Guide To Information Marketing by the author Robert Skrob.

Let’s dive in.


  • Title: The Official Get Rich Guide To Information Marketing
  • Subtitle: Build a Million-Dollar Business within 12 Months
  • Author: Robert Skrob
  • Author’s website:
  • First published: 2007
  • Type: non fiction
  • Genre: marketing / info marketing
  • Rating: 5/5
  • Recommended: Yes (Hell, Yeah!)

I don’t believe in “get rich quick,” but I do believe it’s entirely possible to “get rich” if you work hard, provide a lot of value to your customers, and are not afraid to ask for money in return for the value you provide.
- Robert Skrob

Table Of Contents Of The Book

  • Title Page
  • Important Disclaimer
  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
  • About the Author
  • Who Else Wants to Be in the Single Best Business for Creating a Great Lifestyle…
  • There’s a Big Difference Between Creating a Top-Selling Information Product…
  • Section I - Prepare to Succeed
  • Chapter 1 - The Business Model that Generates Quick, Sustainable Wealth
    1. Replaces Manual Labor by “Multiplying Yourself” and Leveraging What You Know
    2. Buyers of Your Information Products Will Buy More
    3. A Small Amount of Interaction with Buyers Is Possible
    4. Few Staff Members Are Necessary
    5. Little Investment Is Needed to Get Started
    6. Large Profit Potential Exists
  • Chapter 2 - Information Marketing and How To Generate So Much Money
  • Chapter 3 - A Detailed Outline of the Business You Are Building
  • Chapter 4 - Three Most Important Factors in the Success of Your Info-Marketing Business
    • Marketing Research
    • Continuity Income
    • Marketing Systems to Generate New Customers
  • Chapter 5 - What About Creating an Internet Business and Getting Rich Selling E-Books?
    • Online Order Forms
    • Digital Delivery
    • Membership Sites
    • No Storefront
  • Chapter 6 - Identifying a Market That Will Support You in Style
    • The Best Business Positioning
    • The Key Is Identifying a Hungry Market
    • Best Markets for Information Products
    • How to Find Out What Customers Want
  • Chapter 7 - How Two Info-Marketers Connected with a New Target Market
  • Chapter 8 - Information Marketing Is as Easy as Selling Paper and Ink
    • 41 Types of Information Products
    • Publish on Demand
    • Automatic Implementation Products
    • Specialize, Specialize, Specialize!
    • Don’t Fall in Love with a Product
    • You Must Deliver to Make Money
  • Chapter 9 - Essential Ingredients of a Successful Information Marketing Business
    • The Raw Materials
    • The Skills
  • Chapter 10 - Where All the Money Is in the Info-Marketing Business
    • New Customer Upsell
    • Group Coaching
    • Seminars
  • Chapter 11 - Determining What to Charge for Info-Marketing Products and Services
    • Defining Cost
    • Determining the Selling Price
  • Chapter 12 - The Best Way to Launch Your New Info-Marketing Business
  • Section II - The Cheap and Easy Way to Launch Your Info-Marketing Business
  • Chapter 13 - An Easy Way to Get Paid to Create Your First Information Product
  • Chapter 14 - Marketing Strategies to Sell Registrations to Your Teleseminar Series
  • Chapter 15 - Producing Terrific Calls that Also Create a Great Information Product
  • Chapter 16 - Using a Teleseminar Series to Launch Your Coaching Program
  • Chapter 17 - Why Not Webinars Instead of Teleseminars?
  • Chapter 18 - The Shortcut to Turn Your Teleseminar Series into a Product
  • Chapter 19 - Best Way to Launch Your Info-Marketing Business: Teleseminar Series
  • Section III - Allowing Others to Launch Your Info-Marketing Business for You
  • Chapter 20 - How One Info-Marketer Launched His Business Using Joint Ventures
  • Chapter 21 - Joint Ventures and Using Them to Launch an Info-Marketing Business
  • Chapter 22 - The Key to Joint Venture Success: Make It Easy to Work With You
  • Chapter 23 - How To Go from Zero to Seven Figures with Zero Advertising
  • Chapter 24 - The Importance of Product Pricing When Offering Joint Ventures
  • Chapter 25 - Simple Changes Multiplied Product Price Four Times
  • Chapter 26 - Eight Easy Ways to Get Others to Endorse You and Your Products
    • Endorsed Mailing
    • Endorsed E-Mail
    • Guest on Their Teleseminar
    • Speaking at Their Seminar
    • Product Insert
    • Thank-You Page
    • Banner Advertisement
    • Promoting Your Own Event
  • Chapter 27 - Lee Milteer Discovers Her Calling and Turns It into Millionaire Smarts
  • Chapter 28 - Other Sources of Joint Venture Partners
  • Chapter 29 - How a Vacuum Salesman Created a Business with Zero Marketing Costs
  • Chapter 30 - Using “Sugar Daddies” to Deliver Customers into Your Business
  • Chapter 31 - Best Way to Launch Your Info-Marketing Business: Joint Ventures
  • Section IV - Launch Your Info-Business with a Provocative Diagnostic Survey
  • Chapter 32 - How a Family-Owned Jewelry Store Created a Shining Info-Business
  • Chapter 33 - The Single Most Profitable Marketing Tool for Info-Marketers
  • Chapter 34 - The Diagnostic Survey: Making Them Feel Uncomfortable
  • Chapter 35 - Your Diagnostic Survey: Turning a Prospect into a Customer
  • Chapter 36 - Best Way to Launch Your Info-Marketing Business: Diagnostic Surveys
  • Section V - Making a Big Splash in Your Industry with a New Event
  • Chapter 37 - How to Launch an Info-Business with a Three-Day Event
  • Chapter 38 - Anatomy of a Successful Info-Marketing Seminar Business Launch
    • Choose a Date
    • Choose a Location
    • Create Marketing Materials and Pricing
    • Create a Budget
    • Execute
  • Chapter 39 - You Can Still Make Big Money from Small Audiences
  • Chapter 40 - Building an Event that Launches Your Continuity Program
    Outlining the Content
  • Chapter 41 - Foreclosure Can Be a Good Thing . . . Just Ask Ted Thomas
  • Chapter 42 - Filling Your Seminar with Paid Registrants
    • Early Planning Is Your Shortcut to a Successful Event
    • Execute Your Event’s Marketing
    • Increase Your Marketing to a Fever Pitch
    • Home Stretch
    • One Final Push
  • Chapter 43 - Offering Your Coaching Program to Generate Maximum Sales
  • Chapter 44 - Best Way to Launch Your Info-Marketing Business: Seminar
  • Section VI - Create an Info-Marketing Business to Generate New Customers for…
  • Chapter 45 - How Using a Little Horse Sense Improves Results
  • Chapter 46 - Harmony Tenney Combines Sales Ability with Radio Advertising
  • Chapter 47 - Recover Your Marketing Investment and Get New Customers for Free
  • Chapter 48 - One Person Can Do It All with the Right Marketing Tools in Place
  • Chapter 49 - Attracting Customers for High-Priced Products and Services
  • Chapter 50 - Capture Additional Customers with a Variety of Products and Services
  • Section VII - Transitioning from Launch Mode into Growing a Successful…
  • Chapter 51 - What To Do If Your Product Launch Strikes Out
  • Chapter 52 - Easy-to-Follow Guide to Fast Product Packaging
    • Binder Materials
    • DVDs of Product
    • DVD Packaging
    • Avoid Confusing Your Customers
    • Audio Files
    • Audio CD Packaging
    • “Read This First” Letter
    • Graphic Designers, Duplicators, and Fulfillment Companies
  • Chapter 53 - Social Media Myths Revealed and How You Really Use It in a Business
  • Chapter 54 - The Information Marketing Money Machine(tm)
  • Chapter 55 - Quick Reference Guide for Essential Info-Marketing Operations
    • Fair Use and Permissions for Copyright Protected Work
    • Trademarks
    • Product Disclaimers
    • Data Security
    • Essential Documents
    • Insurance
    • Sales Tax
    • Disaster Recovery
  • Chapter 56 - The Money Collecting Machine for Your Info-Marketing Business
  • Chapter 57 - Automating Your Business So You Can Set It Up and Forget It
  • Chapter 58 - Juggling Responsibilities While Launching Your New Info-Business
  • Chapter 59 - How to Trust Your Skills and Be Skeptical of Your Beliefs
  • Chapter 60 - The Source of All Info-Marketing Breakthrough Success
  • Epilogue
  • Glossary of Information Marketing Terms
  • Index

Key Concepts & Ideas

Whether you succeed or not depends on how well you persist through adversity and how you acquire the skills you don’t have.

Too many people confuse social media, internet marketing campaigns, or information product creation with business building.

They chase the next online marketing secret, raise their prices, or try a new joint venture tactic but miss out on what it takes to build a business that lasts.

It takes a specific set of skills to create a long-term, sustainable business.

You won’t become successful or wealthy without work, but success is not a result of working harder than everyone else.

It’s about building a business with specific attributes that enable you to accumulate wealth.

Wealth isn’t produced by thinking, dreaming, or imagining what you want.

Money doesn’t care what you think about most.

Money is attracted to you when you create a business that produces value for paying customers.

Before You Launch A New Business

You need to ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. Is it formulaic? Has the business been proven to generate wealth for others in the past?
  2. Does it have a large business scope? Think potentially international clients.
  3. Are there high margins? Selling products at higher prices with a low production cost allows you to do much more marketing.
  4. Is there a low startup investment? Keep your investments low, to $10,000.00 or even less. This way, even if you make a mistake, it won’t be financially devastating to you. Plus, it will allow you to start multiple businesses over time to generate more wealth as your skills improve.
  5. Are there any professional licenses? Stay away from those professions… Licenses are used to control what you say in your marketing and restrict your ability to generate wealth.

6 Advantages Of An Information Marketing Business

  1. Replaces manual labor by “multiplying yourself” and leveraging what you know.
  2. Buyers of your information products will buy more.
  3. A small amount of interaction with buyers is possible.
  4. Few staff members are necessary.
  5. Little investment is needed to get started.
  6. Large profit potential exists.

With an information marketing business, you create a product once and you’re done.

It takes a lot of work to create the product, but once you do, you can sell it many times, often over a period of several years, without having to do any additional work.

Creating an information marketing business is a terrific way to “multiply yourself”.

By creating your product one time, you provide that business solution over and over again instead of performing the service yourself each time.

That’s how you “multiply yourself” and leverage what you know!

You just need to leverage the information you already know.



  1. identifying a market of people who are excited about the information you have,
  2. creating a product those people want, and
  3. offering it to them in a persuasive way.

And then:

Increase your marketing investments as you continue to have success in selling your product.

Information marketing is providing solutions to problems in a convenient and useful format.

If you build your info-marketing business following a business pyramid structure, you’ll create a stable, sustainable business:

Info Marketing Business Pyramid

The Three Most Important Factors

These are the 3 most important factors for the success of your info-marketing business:

  1. Marketing Research,
  2. Continuity Income, and
  3. Marketing Systems To Generate New Customers.

Too many new info-marketers assume they know everything about their market.

Researching your market and interviewing potential customers is the shortcut to launching a profitable business quickly.

Research is crucially important to helping you create the right product and the right marketing message the first time.

It is the shortcut to success.

The real secret to the information marketing business is to build a marketing process, a funnel if you will, that generates new customers over and over again.

This process generates leads, and those leads go into a sales system that helps potential customers learn about you and how you can solve their problems before inviting them to make a purchase.

Create a successful marketing system that continually generates new customers.

New customer generation is one of the most difficult parts of any business and often can be the most expensive as well.

Robert Skrob On Internet Marketing And Online Tools

Internet marketing provides a lot of great tools information marketers can use to create, sell, and deliver products.

However, internet marketing tools do not create a business.

Instead, your focus has to be on creating a business first and then using internet marketing tools to allow you to grow more quickly.

It’s always more fun when you are throwing your bait into a pond with hungry fish.
- Robert Skrob

The most important factor in a successful info-business is finding a market with customers who eagerly desire information.

You must find a market of individuals who are aggravated, who need help, and who want to escape from everyday problems.

Using my fishing example, it’s a lot easier to catch hungry fish that are in a netted area under a dock than it is to go to a random shady spot at a lake and drop in your line.

Conduct the necessary research to completely understand your customer so you can imagine yourself in his skin, going about his day, and coming across your sales message.

The Author On Key factors To Consider When Analyzing A New Market

  • market size
  • market reachability
  • market trends
  • transaction size
  • market villains

Robert Skrob On The Best Markets For Information Products

  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Business Opportunity
  • Self-Improvement
  • Hobby-Oriented

Don’t try to catch fish with broccoli. It may be what they need, but they don’t want it. Instead, offer your customers what they want.
- Robert Skrob

The Author On The Importance Of Delivery

The most important product, the only product you can sell in the information marketing business, is one you can deliver.

Even if it’s not the perfect product, even if it’s just Phase 1, you must execute it and deliver it.

Once you’re selling your product, you can incorporate your customers’ feedback and add their ideas to your product to improve it.

Too many beginning info-marketers spend months or years trying to create the “perfect” product when in reality the only perfect product is one you can begin selling immediately.

Create a detailed written description of the information marketing business you’d like to create for yourself.

Anytime you feel like it’s too hard, take a long look at that picture.

Keep it at the forefront of your mind.

It’s the additional income, the lifestyle, and the freedom that will help you through the frustration of learning something new.

When you are faced with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle and the frustration hits, tell yourself:

“I must create a new business. My present circumstances are intolerable, and I will develop the skills and techniques I need to accomplish more in the same amount of time. Yes, I’m busy, but I will create the systems and get the help I need.”

Closing Thoughts

My book notes only cover small parts of the book.

So if you like what you read, please consider buying the book from the author.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

PS: Start And Grow Your Own, Profitable Online Business From Scratch, Step-by-Step, Today!

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