This is the most epic, special bonus package that you can find online!

That’s my way to say “Thank you for your trust!”.

Here’s exactly what you’re getting for 100% free - as a bonus.

30 Minutes Jumpstart Call (1:1)

Bonus: 30 Minutes Jumpstart Call (1:1)

This is by far the most valuable bonus I can offer you…

The idea is to get you started in the right direction as fast as possible.

I think you should hear the truth about what it takes to start and grow an online business.

And you need a simple but proven strategy to get going - as soon as possible.

We agree on a date/time via email, and then jump on Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, or use conventional phone: Whatever works best for you.

I’ll make sure to answer all your questions, lift the fog, and show you the way…

Nothing is forced here, and there are no upsells or any other tricks.

30 minutes of pure value, potentially life-changing…

This will help to remove the overwhelm, remove all confusion, and get you going in the right direction.

Only if you want to, of course.

Secret Affiliate Insider - Exclusive Access

Bonus: Secret Affiliate Insider - Exclusive Access

This is huge my friend!

You’ll get exclusive access to my private Discord server, where I hang out most of the time when I’m online.

You’ll be able to ask questions in the live chat, or send me a private message.

I’ll make sure you get all questions answered in a professional and timely manner.

You’ll have direct access to super/top affiliates, and you can follow the discussions.

This is an extremely valuable bonus, so make use of it!

Exclusive Product Vault

Bonus: Exclusive Product Vault

Another “side-benefit” of becoming part of the Secret Affiliate Insider is this:

You’re getting direct, exclusive (review) access to tons of very valuable, best-selling courses and softwares through the exclusive product vault.

This is NOT some outdated or low-quality PLR.

These are real products. And you get access to all of them…

The Secret Traffic Source That NO GURU Speaks About

Bonus: The Secret Traffic Source That NO GURU Speaks About

Let’s face it: Traffic (or more precise: Lack thereof) is the number 1 reason why people fail to make money online.

Building a consistent, steady stream of highly targeted, organic traffic is not easy.

But it’s very doable.

By taking advantage of this “Secret Traffic Source” you’ll be able to attract very targeted people to your links and offers, effortlessly.

You’ll see and understand how simple but effective this is!

Traffic Roots Cheat Sheet

Bonus: Traffic Roots Cheat Sheet

Traffic generation can be extremely simple, once you understand these fundamentals.

The Traffic Roots will show you exactly where all the traffic is…

SEO Checklist (PDF)

Bonus: SEO Checklist (PDF)

… And my personal 1-page SEO Checklist will give you everything that is necessary to rank high on Google and other search engines.

No more guessing, no more spinning thoughts about SEO.

Simple & proven.

Easy & effective to implement.

This will get you ahead of your competition… So you’re ranking above them!

Ultra Fast Indexing Tutorial

Bonus: Ultra Fast Indexing Tutorial

I was able to get a new page indexed within 21 seconds, and I can prove it.

Now, for full transparency: Sometimes it takes a little longer than 21 seconds…

But having the ability and knowing exactly what you need to do in order to get your websites indexed ultra fast is extremely valuable.

Most people have no idea how to do that.

It’s simple, and it works.

Product Review Template

Bonus: Product Review Template

Most of my product reviews follow a simple template.

I’ll share it with you.

Take it, use it, and get your money pages up in no time.

My Top 3 Recurring Income Affiliate Offers

Bonus: My Top 3 Recurring Income Affiliate Offers

In this short video you’ll see exactly what my current top 3 recurring income affiliate offers are.

Recurring, monthly income from these types of affiliate offers should become a cornerstone of your online marketing efforts.

It’s exactly this type of income that gives you true freedom and “peace in your head”, if that makes sense.

This type of income (monthly and yearly recurring) brings stability, and - of course - you’re free to earn even more from all kinds of low-ticket to high-ticket offers and affiliate funnels.

These offers worked (and still work) for me, and I show you exactly which offers I’m promoting - and why.

This type of “over the shoulder” information is priceless, especially when starting out.

Income Producing Actions Cheat Sheet

Bonus: Income Producing Actions Cheat Sheet

I created this cheat sheet originally for myself.

These are the exact tasks and actions you should focus on, every day, in order to move your business forward.

This will give you clarity.

Focus on these actions, and see your online business taking off…

Premium (Free) Hosting Tutorial

Bonus: Premium (100% Free) Hosting Tutorial)

Premium hosting (for static web assets) does not have to cost anything anymore.

I’ll show you the top provider in this field, and how to use it.

This is especially epic in conjunction with the next great bonus:

High-Converting Opt-In Page

Bonus: High-Converting Opt-In Page Download)

Instead of “just teaching” that stuff, I will simply give you my high-converting (<42%+) squeeze page.

You can download it, modify it (I show you how), and use it yourself.

Oh, and through the last bonus you know where to host it blazing fast - for free.

This will help you tremendously when you decide to start building your own email list.

Of course, it’s up to you if you want to do that.

The Perfect WordPress Setup

Bonus: The Perfect WordPress Setup)

Ok, this one is important, especially when you’re building your first website.

It’s easy to avoid common traps and pitfalls, if you know how to set things up properly.

With this bonus, the perfect wordpress setup, you’ll lay the foundation and have a great setup to work with.

The Best Premium Theme For Wordpress

Bonus: The Best Premium Theme For Wordpress)

Two things here:

  1. I will share the best theme for WordPress with you.
  2. I will give you the premium version of this WordPress theme - for free as a bonus.

The theme comes with a great site library, it’s extremely lean and fast, highly customizable, easy to use, and just the best theme I could find.

It’s used by plenty of super affiliates.

Yours free as a bonus.

Copywriting Cheat Sheet (PDF)

Bonus: Copywriting Cheat Sheet (PDF))

This is a simple but extremely powerful 1-page copywriting cheat sheet.

You’ll have access to

  1. The most powerful copywriting framework out there (being used by almost all top-selling brands for their sales pages and other marketing material).
  2. Words that sell.

Again: Simple, but very powerful stuff that will save you lots of time.

Secret Conversion Booster Training

Bonus: Secret Conversion Booster Training)

The Secret Conversion Booster Training will show you exactly how you - as an affiliate markter - can easily improve any existing affiliate offer and make people buy from you (instead of any other affiliate).

This knowledge is extremely valuable, and you’ll know exactly how to dominate as an affiliate.

And make more sales.

“I Want Instant Access To Everything, Now!”

Did you like my EPIC bonus package? 😊

Honestly, it’s the most special bonus package you’ll find online - period.

“Where’s The Buy Button?”

Get in touch with me here.


If you come across any better special bonus bundle online, just let me know.

I might have a special surprise for you… 😉

And if you have any questions or doubts regarding this bonus package, simple get in touch with me.

As I wrote on my about page, I’m a normal guy who simply fell in love with affiliate marketing and online business.

And I’m here to help.

Stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

Build Your Own Traffic & Lead Generation Empire! Price: $0.00 - Value: EPIC