Welcome to my in-depth Passive Class Review! (or passiveclass review, the spelling isn’t exactly consistent, let’s just call it PC)

You’re in the right spot if you’re looking for an honest, in-depth review of Lee Murray’s passiveclass!

PassiveClass Review

==> Check out one of the cool squeeze pages here.

I’ll show you exactly how to edit it, connect it with your AR, host it at zero cost, and much more… For free as a bonus!

How? Just read on…!

Get Passive Class Here - 100% Free

But you might be asking yourself:

Why On Earth Would Someone Review A Product That’s Basically Free?

Fair question!

Here’re my 3 straight-forward & honest answers:

  1. I’ve put together an incredible bonus package… That I don’t want you to miss out on. More on that later.

  2. While the front-end of passiveclass is free indeed, you’d have to pay for any or all of the upgrades. I’ve got them all so I can help you to make a few smart, well-informed “purchase-or-skip” decisions.

  3. I’m a professional affiliate marketer and I make my living online. So - obviously - I’d get an affiliate commission in case you’re buying any of the upgrades through my affiliate link of Passive Class.

Actually there’s a forth, pretty personal reason:

I have a passion for helping people to free themselves from the chains and limits of our current system and society’s terms and ideals of how to make a living…

But that’s a topic for another day.

So now that you understand why I created this review, let’s dive in…

What Is Passive Class? (or passiveclass)

Passive Class Logo

Passive Class is Lee Murray’s free affiliate marketing training course.

PC will teach you the very basics of list building, driving traffic via free and paid methods, email marketing, launch jacking, forum marketing, and a few more things.

Get Passive Class For Free Here

Lee is positioning passiveclass in a very smart way… He calls it: “Your Lead Capture Hub”.

That’s smart because if you indeed use PC as your lead capture hub, and you’re sending any traffic or leads over to the passiveclass sales page, those who sign up are (also) on Lee Murray’s e-mail marketing list!

And while that’s not necassarily “a bad thing”, you better be aware of this.


Let’s assume you’re in the internet/affiliate marketing niche… Just like Lee… And let’s assume you’re trying to promote a product called my online startup by Chuck Nguyen…

… Then the chances of you succeeding at this are really low.


Because my online startup is heavily promoted within Passive Class by Lee Murray himself!

Obviously, Lee is using his own affiliate link. So any generated commissions would go 100% to him.

Lee Murray makes substantial amounts of money as an affiliate himself, so it’s just something to be aware of, especially when you’re operating within the same niche as Lee.

Who Is Lee Murray? Who Is The Creator Of Passive Class?

Lee Murray on WarriorPlus

Lee Murray, the creator of passiveclass, is making money online (full-time) since 2013. According to WarriorPlus, he launched 39 products so far, including 20 featured offers (deal of the day).

His style of video training as well as his emails are entertaining, sometimes a bit weird, and often captivating.

Almost all of his videos are unscripted, which can be fun to watch… At the same time, he has a tendency to ramble and get off topic for prolonged periods.

Most of his products center around the topic of list building and email marketing.

A few of his offers include 21 And Done, Email Slick, Down and Dirty List Building, Finally FREE!, It’s All You Need, List Synergy, Shiny Object Lemonade, Breakfast Embed, Profit vs. Profit, List Synergy Trifecta, Affiliate Psycho, Gutter To Gold, Enter The Niche, and several more.

Get Passive Class Here - 100% Free

What Can We Learn Here?

I always like to learn from the best people at “what they are really doing - every day”.

So they should be really good at XYZ, and they should be doing XYZ every day.

If you’re operating outside of the internet marketing or “make money online” niche, that probably makes total sense and just seems logical to you, right?

So why do I even mention it?

Well, truth of the matter is, the internet marketing niche is sick & broken.

We’re currently seeing 10+ launches on many days in this niche. (May 2021)

And unfortunately, most (serial) product creators teach all kinds of ‘methods’ and ‘stuff’ and ‘hacks’ that they don’t apply themselves at all!

With many products, you’re just learning something theoretical and regurtitated from someone who’s NOT an expert at what they’re teaching.

Even worse: The product was created with the sole purpose of getting new buyer leads for the product creator.

That’s not cool at all.

So let’s take a quick look at Lee Murray’s true skills and superpowers:

Lee Murray’s Superpowers

  1. Lee is entertaining and fun to deal with. I speak from experience when I say it’s absolutely NOT easy to let your personal character and humor “shine through” in your published works, be it text, audio, or video. Lee shows character and he’s great at it!

  2. Everything he has to say about list building and especially email marketing comes from - drumrolls, pleaase - being an experienced email marketer. I know this should be the norm (the teacher only teaching stuff he knows about), but unfortunatly it’s not. Again: Lee Murray does a lot of email marketing (I know because I’m on his lists), and that’s exactly the person you want to learn email marketing from.

  3. He is a serial product creator and launcher. Now while I personally am not a fan of this model - because many product launchers do exactly that, launching products, purely for the sake of list building - it’s obvious that Lee Murray knows how to create and launch products. He even admits in his training that product launching is his primary source of (buyer) lead generation / list building, and his copywriting is cool & effective.

Let me summarize:

If you want to learn more about how to launch products, effective copywriting, and email marketing, Lee is your guy.

Also, if you feel like you would like to “open up your personality and show your true nature/character” a bit more online (note to myself…!), then I highly suggest to watch and learn from Lee.

Get Passive Class For Free Here

The Complete Funnel Of PassiveClass

This is the complete funnel of passiveclass:

Product Name Price
passiveclass (front-end) $0.00
OTO 1 - Full Lead Capture System $9.95
OTO 2 - 30 DFY Emails $19.95
OTO 3A - Email and Lead Capture Club (Monthly) $9.95
OTO 3B - Email and Lead Capture Club (Lifetime) $67.00
OTO 4 - IM Niche Domination PLUS $47.00
OTO 5 - Passiveclass 100% Commission Bump $47.00

Let’s take a look at the upgrades one by one…

OTO 1 - Full Lead Capture System

PassiveClass - OTO 1 - Full Lead Capture System

This OTO consists of a relatively simple squeeze page as well as an even simpler thank-you page.

Both are made with Thrive Architect.

See the squeeze page demo here. You can find the thank-you page demo here.

What confuses me a bit, is that Lee Murray is starting out by talking about “walk away rich” in the sqeeze page video.

But I guess most people don’t care, especially when the see the price tag of passiveclass:

Get Passive Class Now. Price: $0,00

OTO 2 - 30 DFY Emails

PassiveClass - OTO 2 - 30 DFY Emails

These are 30 DFY emails… In particular:

OTO 3A - Email and Lead Capture Club (Monthly)

This is the monthly recurringly-charged version of OTO 3B:

OTO 3B - Email and Lead Capture Club (Lifetime)

PassiveClass - OTO 3 - Email and Lead Capture Club

Every month, you’ll get:

  • more DFY (promo) emails
  • 1 new/optimized squeeze page
  • 1 new/optimized thank-you page

OTO 4 - IM Niche Domination PLUS

PassiveClass - OTO 4 - IM Niche Domination PLUS

In a sense, this is Lee Murray’s kitchen sink offer… :)

You’ll get access to:

  • IM Niche Domination
    • Affiliate Psycho
  • Email Slick Twin Pack Plus

OTO 5 - 100% Commission Bump

PassiveClass - OTO 5 - 100% Commission Bump

If you choose to buy OTO 5, you’ll get 100% commissions throughout the passiveclass funnel.

That’s in my opinion the most interesting offer of them all, especially if you decide to promote Passive Class in any way, or even use it as “your lead capture hub” as Lee suggests in his training.

In all fairness, Lee also states that you should primarily build your own list (first!).


If you decide to promote passiveclass itself, I highly recommend you get “the 100% commission bump” upgrade.

Passive Class - Main Training

The main training of passiveclass consists of 19 videos.

Lee is covering the very basics of the tools needed to start list building and email marketing.

Of course, as expected, he repeatedly refers back to recommending the paid upgrades…

Next, he covers the welcome email as well as follow-up messages.

As described above, Lee suggests using pc as “your lead capture hub”/offer. But in all fairness, he also talks about alternatives.

Free and paid traffic methods are covered next - including his “Dirty 30” method.

He briefly touches solo ads, mailer sites, and product launches as viable sources to build your email list.

Lastly, he covers forum marketing, youtube, launch jacking, and finishes off by underlining the importance of driving traffic to your opt-in page, in order to build your list, just before closing the training with a pitch for John Thornhill’s high-ticket program.

In addition, Lee invites pc’lers to join his Facebook group. That’s great, but unfortunately, the group is completely left on its own and untouched by Lee.

As he states in the training, he’s not really a social media guy and very rarely logs into Facebook.

Overall, the 19 videos give a great overview of the process of list building and email marketing.

Nothing more, nothing less.

It’s a basic overview of his process and Lee is repeatedly recommending to purchase other (affiliate) courses and the upgrades of passiveclass.

Passive Class - The Email Follow-up

Interestingly enough, the 10-day email follow-up differs slightly from the main training.

It comes drip-fed over 10 days after your sign-up, for free.

Here’s an overview of the exact emails I got from Lee Murray after signing up to pc:

Passive Class - The 10-Day Email Follow-up

As you can see from the subject lines, the e-mail follow-up covers very similar topics as the main training, but interestingly enough, Lee uses different videos for his email course.

You probably noticed that - now being part of Lee’s list - he’ll frequently send his subscribers pitches for other affiliate products.

That’s because: He’s an affiliate, and he’s an email marketer.

Now it’s time for you to take action:

Get Passive Class Here - 100% Free

The Best Bonus Package For Lee Murray’s Passive Class

At this point, I’m sure you appreciate that I bought the complete package of pc.

I’m not talking theory here, but went through everything.

And that’s why I know exactly how confusing and overwhelming everything can be, especially when you’re not making consistent affiliate commissions yet…

… Therefore, I decided to make this offer even better for you.

Here’s the best bonus that you’ll find for passiveclass online:

If you get Passiv Class for $0,00 through one of my links on this page, and you also get OTO 5 - The 100% Commission Bump, you’ll get exclusive, members-only access - as bonus from me - to:

  1. The Private Secret Affiliate Insider (offered here and currently selling for $497)
  2. A Special PassiveClass MEGA Bonus Pack - it has to do with OTO 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as a kitchen sink… So do NOT buy anything else but OTO 5, and you’ll be covered and in good hands. 😉

Next you’ll get access and FULL license rights to my customized, high-converting PassiveClass-dedicated opt-in page!

==> You can check it out here.

And there’s much more… I even jump on a quick 1:1 call with you, if you’d like to.

Just to get you started in the right direction, and as fast as possible!

How Do I Get My Bonus Package For PC?

It’s just one click - after your purchase:

How To Access The Bonus Package For PassiveClass

Pretty simple, hm? :)

OK, Let Me In… Now!

If you have any questions, simply hit me up here.

Thank you! :)

Stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude