If you want to find out if My Online Startup created by Chuck Nguyen is the real deal and a legit opportunity to make money online or not, you’re in the right place!

In this in-depth review we’ll take a look at the founder of My Online Startup, what exactly MOS is, the quality and length of the (free) training, the business/affiliate opportunity, the community, the funnel/upgrade options, and even at Chuck’s “Inner Circle” group on Facebook.

This is NOT some “fake review”. I’m a member of My Online Startup since May 2020, worked completely through the course, and took advantage of the partner upgrade.

I honestly like it and think it can be truly beneficial to you, especially if you’re new to affiliate marketing and you want to work within the IM/MMO niche. That’s why:

Affiliate Disclosure: I am an affiliate for Chuck Nguyen’s MOS. That means, I’ll get a small compensation from him if you buy any upgrades through one of my links.
I only recommend helpful products and services that I use myself and truly enjoy.

Now, let’s dive in.

Fact Sheet

My Online Startup Logo

  • Product name: My Online Startup
  • First release: June 2020
  • Creator: Chuck Nguyen
  • Product website: myonlinestartup.com
  • Type: email marketing training book + additional material
  • Rating: 4/5
  • Recommended: Yes

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What Is My Online Startup (MOS)?

My Online Startup is a (primarily) a free video training course that teaches how to start and grow an online business the right way and how to become a successful online affiliate marketer.

Furthermore, MOS offers an active community and Facebook group, as well as optional upgrades to more training and to make money from MOS itself.

Next, we’ll analyze the quality and length of the video course itself, then we’ll take a look at the affiliate opportunity.

But first, let’s take a look at the creator of My Online Startup.

Who Is The Founder Of My Online Startup? Who Is Chuck Nguyen?

Chuck Nguyen Profile

MOS is the brainchild of Chuck Nguyen.

Chuck started his online business ventures in 2012 and he worked himself up the affiliate ranks over the years - to super affiliate status.

In his course, My Online Startup, he teaches the core fundamentals and successful strategies he applied to earn 6 figures for multiple years since then.

Currently, Chuck is living in Sydney, Australia.

How Is My Online Startup Structured?

My Online Startup comes with 39 lessons in 8 modules:

  • Overview / Getting Started
  • Module 1: The Gameplan
  • Module 2: Success Mindset
  • Module 3: Affiliate Marketing
  • Module 4: Lead Generation
  • Module 5: Authority Platform
  • Module 6: YouTube Marketing
  • Module 7: Forum Marketing
  • Module 8: Targeted Solo Ads

You can think of the latter 4 modules as traffic modules to “feed” the lead generation system that you’re building in module 4.

This is a simple but highly effective strategy that I use myself.

Especially the “Success Mindset” module with a total of 7 lessons is very powerful.

If you apply what Chuck is teaching you here, you’ll become unstoppable and you’ll have your online business up and running in no time…

Or you can skip this module like most newbies who are only looking for quick money making methods and loopholes and keep on unsuccessfully dabbling in affiliate marketing for years, like so many others…

It’s your choice!

This is what you see after your first login to MOS:

My Online Startup Course After Login

Let’s take a look at the lessons and modules one by one:

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Module 1: The Gameplan

  • Lesson: The Gameplan
  • 35:56min
  • Topics covered:
    • Who Is Chuck & Why This Course
    • How To Get The Most From This Course
    • The Simplest Way To Build An Online Business (Affiliate Marketing Overview)
    • The 9 Components Of A Successful Affiliate Business
    • The Big Picture Of Your Affiliate Online Business
    • Action Plan For This Lesson

Module 2: Success Mindset

This module has 7 lessons in total.

  • Lesson: Mindset Is Everything
  • 27:35min
  • Topics covered:
    • Understanding The Power Of Your Mindset
    • Your Fears (And Your Uncertainty) Are Holding You Back From Success
    • The Core Skill To Developing Your Success Mindset
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Strong Personal Why
  • 18:38min
  • Topics covered:
    • Understanding Why We Do What We Do
    • Creating A Strong Why That Matters To You
    • Leveraging Your Strong Why For Success
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Clear Income Goal
  • 15:24min
  • Topics covered:
    • Why You Need To Have A Clear Income Goal
    • Creating Your Crystal Clear Income Goal
    • Leveraging Your Income Goal For Success
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Powerful Self-Image
  • 19:32min
  • Topics covered:
    • You Are Who You Think You Are (Self-Image)
    • Creating A New & More Powerful Self-Image
    • Leveraging Your New Self-Image For Success
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Personal Success Formula
  • 23:59min
  • Topics covered:
    • Creating Your Personal Success Card
    • Example Of A Personal Success Card
    • How To Leverage Your Personal Success Card
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: 100x More Productive
  • 48:01min
  • Topics covered:
    • Working As An Entrepreneur Is Extremely Hard
    • Method 1: The Compound Effect
    • Method 2: Do The Most Important Task (MIT) First - Eat That Frog
    • Method 3: Develop The Habit To Just Say No
    • Method 4: Track Your Daily Progress
    • Method 5: Create Dedicated Time Blocks - Deep Work
    • Method 6: Be Super Organized - Full Clarity, Plan Ahead
    • Method 7: Simple Little Habits - Breaks, Reduce Distractions
    • Method 8: Energy Management - Breaks, Meditations, Walks/Move, Naps
    • Method 9: Daily Motivation - Read/Listen To Pers. Dev.
    • Example Of A Typical Day
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: My Success Philosophy
  • 21:26min
  • Topics covered:
    • Don’t Give A Shit About What Other People Think
    • My Weird ‘You And Everyone Will Die’ Concept
    • Imagine That You Literally Could Not Fail
    • Nothing Will Change Unless You Change
    • You Have The Same Opportunity As Everyone Else
    • Action Plan For This Lesson

Module 3: Affiliate Marketing

This module has 5 lessons in total.

  • Lesson: Important Fundamentals
  • 26:17min
  • Topics covered:
    • Why We’re Focusing On Affiliate Marketing
    • The Different Components Of Affiliate Marketing
    • Why You Must Have A Budget To Get Started
    • My Personal Tips & Tricks For Massive Success - Marketing Angles
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Most Profitable Niches
  • 25:24min
  • Topics covered:
    • What Is A Niche And Why It’s Important
    • Choosing Your Niche For Your Online Business
      • Evergreen
      • Profitable
      • Competition
      • Multiple Offers
      • Regulation
      • Passion/Interest
    • Why My Chosen Niche Is Affiliate Marketing
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Find Affiliate Products
  • 20:19min
  • Topics covered:
    • How To Find Affiliate Products
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Pick Your One Product
  • 11:48min
  • Topics covered:
    • The Importance Of Your One Offer
    • Criteria When Picking Your One Offer
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Your Unfair Advantage
  • 08:24min
  • Topics covered:
    • Leverage My Online Startup
    • Ongoing Regular Interactive Group Mentoring
    • Action Plan For This Lesson

Module 4: Lead Generation

This module has 6 lessons in total.

  • Lesson: Super Affiliate Formula
  • 21:41min
  • Topics covered:
    • Super Affiliate Marketers VS Average Affiliate Marketers
    • Focus On List Building
    • Complete Picture Of A Lead Generation System
    • Skip All The Tech Stuff & Leverage My Lead Generation System
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Quality Lead Magnet
  • 26:59min
  • Topics covered:
    • Everything You Need To Know About A Lead Magnet
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Creating Capture Pages
  • 26:15min
  • Topics covered:
    • Everything You Need To Know About A Capture Page
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Automated Follow Ups
  • 23:40min
  • Topics covered:
    • The Secret To Maximizing Your Conversions
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Track Your Conversions
  • 18:26min
  • Topics covered:
    • Why You Must Track Everything You Do Online
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Integrating Your System
  • 15:32min
  • Topics covered:
    • How To Connect Our Entire Lead Generation System
    • Action Plan For This Lesson

What follows are the traffic modules… (how to get traffic to your opt-in and/or other landing pages)

Module 5: Authority Platform

There are 7 lessons in this module:

  • Lesson: Importance Of A Blog
  • 15:44min
  • Topics covered:
    • “You own the platform” but “most poeple are quitting”
    • Why You Must Build Your Own Authority Blog - You Seperate Yourself, SEO Free Traffic, …
    • Tips & Tricks When It Comes To Building Your Blog - Long-Term Project, Builds Trust & Your Email List, …
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Building Out Your Site
  • 35:22min
  • Topics covered:
    • The Components To Building An Authority Blog
    • Full Runthrough 1/2
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Customising Your Blog
  • 27:15min
  • Topics covered:
  • Full Runthrough 2/2
  • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Best Type Of Articles
  • 17:47min
  • Topics covered:
    • Best Articles To Focus On For Your Blog
      • What Is ___ To ___
      • How To ___
      • Why You Should/Must/Shoudn’t ___
      • Reviews
      • Best (Of) ___ (For) ___
      • Ultimate Guide To/For ___
      • Lists (7 Ways To ___)
      • Case Studies (How I Generated My First Lead…)
      • Comparisons
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Tips & Tricks To Writing
  • 08:32min
  • Topics covered:
    • Basic Tips When It Comes To Writing Your Articles
    • Recommended Tools
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Blog Post Checklist
  • 07:09min
  • Topics covered:
    • Remember Your Post Is Public To The World
    • Modeling Great Articles
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Conclusion
  • 07:32min
  • Topics covered:
    • Don’t Focus Too Much On SEO & Backlinks
    • Apply The Compound Effect For Long Term Results
    • Remember, Your Blog Is Not Your Biggest Asset
    • Action Plan For This Lesson

Module 6: YouTube Marketing

There are 6 lessons in this module:

  • Lesson: The Power Of YouTube
  • 09:53min
  • Topics covered:
    • Everything You Need To Know About YouTube Marketing
    • Remember Your Why / Mindset
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Setting Up Channel
  • 04:28min
  • Topics covered:
    • Walkthrough
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Must Have Resources
  • 07:15min
  • Topics covered:
    • Walkthrough (Microphone, Software, Webcam, Light, Music, …)
    • Action Plan For This Lesson


  • Lesson: Best Types Of Videos
  • 07:54min
  • Topics covered:
    • Walkthrough (How To ___, Model, Reviews, Comparisons, Tutorials, …)


  • Lesson: Shooting And Editing
  • 03:22min
  • Topics covered:
    • How To Find HQ Tutorials


  • Lesson: Ranking Your Videos
  • 08:07min
  • Topics covered:
    • Full Walkthrough

Module 7: Forum Marketing

  • Lesson: Quality Traffic Source
  • 14:29min
  • Topics covered:
    • Full Walkthrough (IM Forum: Warrior Forum)

Module 8: Targeted Solo Ads

In total, there are 4 lessons in this module:

  • Lesson: Easiest Traffic Method
  • 22:00min
  • Topics covered:
    • How Does Email Traffic Work
    • How My Lead Generation System Works


  • Lesson: Udimi Solo Ad Network
  • 10:55min
  • Topics covered:
    • Full Walkthrough
    • Action Plan For Today’s Lesson


  • Lesson: Reliable Solo Ad Agency
  • 08:42min
  • Topics covered:
    • Traffic4Me Full Walkthrough
    • Action Plan For Today’s Lesson


  • Lesson: Trusted Solo Vendors
  • 05:57min
  • Topics covered:
    • Vendors:
      • Wayne Crowe
      • Igor Kheifets
      • Jasdeep Singh
      • Mark Eli
      • Mark Lee
    • Action Plan For Today’s Lesson

How Does The Support Look Like?

  • If you join via my link, and if you need a helping hand, you can always reach out to me via email, messenger, or skype
  • The free Facebook support group can be found here
  • There’s a special “Inner Circle” group for those who upgraded - including advanced training lessons, priority support, and an active community
  • You can reach out to Josh from support via email
  • You’ll have access to a contact us/support page
  • Chuck and Josh from support are very active within the Facebook groups, and can either be reached instantly or you’ll get an answer within 24 hours, often much faster

Don’t make the mistake of looking at the above list and thinking “that’s a given”.

It’s not.

I had several things to discuss with Josh from support as well as with Chuck himself, and the communication was frictionless, professional and kind.

Chapeau, Chuck! :)

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The Affiliate Opportunity Of My Online Startup

Let me restate here that the high-quality video training course is 100% free, and the training curriculum is complete in itself.

There’s absolutely no pressure to upgrade.

Especially if your chosen niche is outside of the “Make Money Online”, “Internet Marketing” and “Business Opportunity” niche - you don’t have to upgrade at all.

Instead, you can just go through the course and run with it.

But if you’re operating within the MMO/IM or BizOpp niche, or plan to do so, or if you’re running any kind of online business or affiliate marketing website, and you’re regularly asked how and where to learn these skills:

My Online Startup has a very lucrative affiliate opportunity attached to it, that comes with even more high-quality training videos and coaching from Chuck.

Plus, you have the chance to profit from multiple income streams.

Currently, there are two upgrade options:

  • The partner upgrade ($197 - one-time fee)
  • The legendary partner upgrade ($997 - one-time fee)

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages/benefits of both:

The Partner Upgrade

The partner upgrade comes with the following perks:

  • Exclusive rights to promote MOS
  • Partner benefits like group coaching (“30 days to massive wealth”)
  • Authority ​spotlight for branding
  • $100 per partner sale - affiliate opportunity
  • Free course multiple income streams
  • Partner ​traffic income streams
  • More income streams will follow

The Legendary Partner Upgrade

The legendary partner upgrade comes with the following perks:

  • Lifetime Access To “Inner Circle”
  • $500 Legendary Commissions - affiliate opportunity
  • $500 Legendary Pass Ups
  • $20 Partner Matching Bonus
  • More income streams and training will follow

A Very Special Opportunity…

If you’d like to be part of a very special opportunity, you’re in the right spot!

I’m currently working with a small group of very dedicated, focused, motivated beginners who are trying to make their first commissions online and build a sustainable online affiliate marketing business for themselves.

Does that sound like you?

If so, create a free account, watch the partner video on the inside, and get in touch with me afterwards.

This opportunity is crazy as other people have to pay for first-class coaching.

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The Best Bonus Package For My Online Startup Partners & Legendary Partners

To make the decision an absolute no-brainer for you, I came up with this insane bonus package for My Online Startup.

If you create your free account and upgrade on the inside, you’ll get in addition to all partner benefits:

  • (30min) 1:1 Skype Call With Me Personally. We get to know each other a bit, discuss your current knowledge, skills, and goals, and how to achieve your goals ASAP! (truly the easiest & fastest way to success that I know of)
  • Lifetime Access to Online Business Dude “Inner Circle” - the best deals, latest traffic hacks and highly effective online business strategies
  • Secret, Extremely Powerful Lead Generation File - almost nobody knows about this, but you can apply it 1:1 to get tons of people to your capture pages!
  • Premium Landing Page/Squeeze Page Builder Software - For FREE As A Bonus! (This is huge, as you can save tons of $$$ with this!)
  • Extra 30 Days Of Email Swipes (For Affiliate Marketing/MMO/IM Niche) - You get 30, highly effective email swipes!
  • My Secret BizOpp Lead Source - I’ll show you a place where you can buy cheap, but highly targeted, fresh hot leads (people who just signed up to get more info about work from home business opportunities). Combine this secret source with your bizopp/landing page and it’s like shooting fish in a barrel!

IIf you’ve got unanswered questions about MOS or my bonus offer, let me know here.

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Closing Thoughts

I hope you find this review of My Online Startup helpful.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

PS: Start And Grow Your Own, Profitable Online Business From Scratch, Today!

==> This Is How.