Any business that’s not actively generating new leads on a daily basis is at risk of being out of business soon because they don’t know where and when their next customer comes from.

Lead generation advertising is the solution.

Lead generation has become a necessity in today’s competitive business world because it helps you generate new leads, keep track of them and then convert those leads into customers.

Lead generation is not a complicated process. It’s simply using the “pull” approach by attracting your target market or audience to you.

It enables potential customers to inquire about your product or services.

Let’s dive in.

What is Lead Generation Advertising

As the name suggests, Lead Generation Advertising or Lead Generation Marketing is a kind of advertising that helps you to generate leads for your business.

Lead generation marketing can and should be an important part of your overall business strategy to market and promote your business.

Ultimately, your goal is to attract more potential customers (leads) and gain more sales/income. And lead generation advertising can help you achieve exactly that.

But Why Generate Leads At All, Instead Of Going For The Direct Sale?

The “push” approach requires you to put all your efforts into making the sale now.

You get to know a new person and you directly ask people to buy from you.

People feel pressured, and because of the lack of trust between you and the potential customer, that way of “push”-selling is very ineffective, and not recommended.

Lead generation marketing is the opposite of that.

Lead generation allows you to get new leads by educating your potential clients/customers, which helps you earn their trust, respect, and business over time.

Lead generation is a long-term strategy that may take months until it starts paying off, but there really is no alternative to it in my opinion.

How Lead Generation Can Help Your Business

Lead-generation advertisement helps you generate new leads (aka interested, potentially new customers/clients).

The more targeted your lead generation activities are, the higher the chance that you’ll reach people who will be interested in buying from you - over the long term!

Lead generation is a great way to get new people into the sales funnel.

How Does Lead Generation Advertising Work?

You create an ad or piece of content that targets a specific audience, offer something for free (aka lead magnet or ethical bribe), and anyone interested exchanges their contact information for your lead magnet.

Soon, you’ll have a pool of leads that you can nurture and that you can contact again and again.

You now have a database of leads that didn’t exist before.

Lead generation marketing helps you to grow this database of potential new customers/clients.

Especially when your potential customer doesn’t know much about your product or service yet, lead generation marketing is most effective because you provide value upfront – like an ebook/report or a video with helpful tips, testimonials, etc.

When NOT To Use Lead Generation Advertising…

Lead generation is not necessarily the right method if you are simply trying to sell a product or service on the spot, especially when:

  • You want instant results
  • You offer emergency-type services
  • Your product is a definitive one-time sell
  • You absolutely don’t care about tomorrow’s results

Closing Thoughts / Conclusion

Lead generation is an essential, first part of any lead conversion/lead nurturing strategy.

Lead generation advertising can provide you with leads and customers for years to come, and that way gives your business stability.

Yes, it may take some time until your campaign pays off, but if you’re willing to invest in building a long-term relationship with new potential clients/customers, lead generation marketing is the way to go.

I hope this was helpful and stay awesome,


PS: Starting an online business can seem overwhelming. There are so many different pieces to the puzzle, and it’s hard to know where to start.

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PPS: Build Your Own Traffic & Lead Generation Empire - For Free!