Welcome to another Jarvis AI practical test/experiment. Today, we test headline/title generation for blog posts, emails, etc.

Let’s dive in.

My Input

This is the complete content description I gave Jarvis AI:

An article about email marketing. All things email marketing, why email marketing is important, all things list building/lead generation, how to get more subscribers, how to follow-up/nurture your list, and more. The pros of email marketing, the cons of email marketing, the future of email marketing.

And these are the keywords I gave Jarvis:

email marketing, list building, lead generation

Jarvis AI Output

These are all titles/headlines that Jarvis generated from my input above:

  • Email Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide
  • 101 Email Marketing Tactics That Convert
  • The Pros, Cons & Future of Email Marketing
  • What You NEED to Know about Email Marketing: Everything from the Pros, Cons, and Future
  • The Definitive Guide to Email Marketing
  • The Ultimate Email Marketing Guide: Your Effective Launchpad to the Online World
  • The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing: Everything You Need To Know
  • 24 Articles about Email Marketing: Pros and Cons, Strategies for Success
  • Why Email Marketing Is Critical To Your Business Success: All You Need to Know
  • All Things Email Marketing: Why it Matters, How to Increase Subscribers and Engagement
  • The Pros and Cons of Email Marketing, the Future of Mail Marketing
  • Why Email Marketing is Important: The Pros, the Cons, and the Future
  • New to Email Marketing? Follow these 10 Steps
  • 24 Things You Don’t Know About Email Marketing
  • Your Complete Guide to Email Marketing: Strategies, Benefits and Controversies
  • 27 Steps to Increase Your Email List and Get More Customers: An Expert Guide on Email Marketing
  • Why Email Marketing Is Important + The Pros and Cons of Email Marketing
  • Email Marketing: Everything You Need to Know
  • Why Emails Are Still Important In 2021: Email Marketing
  • 11 Reasons Email Marketing is Important and How to Use It Effectively
  • The Almost Everything Guide to Email Marketing
  • 12 (Plus) Reasons to Implement Email Marketing
  • Email Marketing: Why It’s Important, All Things List Building/Lead Generation, How to Get More Subscribers
  • Email Marketing: All Things Email Marketing, Why Mailing Lists Are Important, How to Get More Subscribers, and So Much More
  • Email Marketing: How to Increase Your Sales With Email
  • Why Email Marketing is Important and How to Use It Effectively

These are all intro paragraphs that Jarvis came up with:

  • The email marketing industry has been around for many years, and it is still going strong. In this article we will explore why email marketing is important, how to get more subscribers to your email list, and where the future of email marketing may be headed.
  • Email marketing is a powerful tool for any business to have in their arsenal. It can be difficult to get email marketing right, but email marketers who put in the time and effort reap the rewards of email marketing success. In this article, we are going to discuss what email marketing entails, why it’s important, how you can build your email list and generate leads from it, follow-up & nurturing strategies that will help you maintain customer relationships with your subscribers over time. We’ll also talk about some of the pros and cons of email marketing as well as where email may go in the future!
  • In a world where email marketing is king, email has the power to be your best friend or your worst enemy. But email marketing can also be an incredibly profitable and useful channel for any business. In this article we’ll discuss all things email marketing: why email is important, how to get more subscribers, list building strategies, lead generation tactics, follow- up/nurture campaigns and much more.
  • Email marketing is not only the most popular form of email, but it’s also one of the most powerful. It has been around for decades and has proven to be a reliable source for generating leads and increasing sales. Email marketing is always evolving with new technologies and strategies that are designed to help marketers email more effectively. In this article we will cover everything email marketing related including: why email marketing is important, all things list building/lead generation, how to get more subscribers, how to follow-up/nurture your list, and much more!
  • Email marketing has been a staple of the email world for years. It is one of the most effective ways to grow your business and nurture leads. That’s why email marketing is important, but what about all things email marketing? In this article we will cover email basics, list building/lead generation, follow-up/nurture your list, and more!
  • In the email marketing world, email is still king. In 2015, email marketing generated $40 billion in revenue alone. With email being so popular and successful as a marketing tool it’s important to invest time into your email strategy and make sure you’re doing it correctly. There are many benefits of email marketing, but there are also some drawbacks that you should be aware of too. Whether you’re just starting out or have an established campaign already going on, this article will help guide your way through all things email related!

And here you can find the finished article by Jarvis AI.

Closing Thoughts

Going forward, I will create many more of these tests or experiments in order to better understand

  • how you and I can use Jarvis (and other copywriting AIs) in our own businesses,
  • how we can use Jarvis for client’s businesses (agency/freelance work),
  • the limits of it,
  • how to develop best use-cases and best practices when working with AIs,
  • and to understand the (current) capabilities of it.

If that sounds cool and interesting to you, [get on my list here][blueprint] to follow along.

Scary times, and exciting times - right?

I think - as with all things - the scariness slowly fades over time…

Or at least I hope so. ;-)

Thank you for reading this and stay aweome,

Tim for Online Business Dude