Online freelancing is by far the fastest way to make money online.

And I’m saying this as a full-time affiliate marketer, running my own online businesses.

Unfortunately, many affiliate marketing “gurus” who try to sell you their courses and softwares - at any price - don’t tell you the truth.

Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely love affiliate/online marketing.

In my opinion, there’s no better business.

And that’s what I’m doing 90% of my time: Online affiliate marketing.

But: I frequently get asked:

“What is the fastest way to make money online?”

And the answer to this question is not affiliate marketing, but freelancing.

Why Freelancing?

Well, there can be many reasons why someone is looking into freelancing online…

But the best reasons to start freelancing in my opion are:

  1. You don’t need to make any investment at all in order to start making money online
  2. You can start earning money immediately

The demand for freelance-work is only going up from here, as more and more businesses move online.

And these companies start outsourcing more and more work to freelancers.

What Freelancing Services Are In-Demand?

You can practically offer any valuable skill online:

Content marketing, writing, consulting, coaching, graphic design, logo creation services, recording, editing, proof reading, translating, voice over services, web design, web development, virtual assistant, teaching, transcribing, copywriting, drawing, programming (software development), marketing, lead generation, email marketing, offering social media services - and these are just a few ideas for you.

A great starting point is what you’re interested in, ideally really good at, and what the marketplace needs.

What Are My Skills? What Service Can I Offer?

Can you write?

Do you have a great voice?

Do you constantly get compliments for something?

Are you creative?

Do you speak two or more languages?

Can you help a business do XYZ better?

These are good starting points.

How Can I Start Freelancing Online?

You’re interested in the exact “how to” of online freelancing?

I wrote a dedicated article about exactly that: How to start freelancing online

Closing Thoughts

Thank you very much for reading! I hope you got something out of this article…

If you have any questions, please let me know here.

Stay awesome,


PS: Grab this if you like to learn more about online/affiliate marketing… It’s 100% free!