This is my personal CTA (Call To Action) collection for the online business blueprint.

Feel free to model the examples, re-write them, learn from them, adapt and use them for your own business and marketing materials!

Let’s dive in:

Call To Action(s) - Examples

  • Become The #1 Affiliate In Your Niche Without Spending Hours On The Internet
  • Learn Exactly How To Make Money Online In A Professional Way - For Free! No scams or gimmicks, just good information.
  • Grow your business with an easy to use blueprint that has all of the steps laid out for you
  • The ultimate guide that covers everything there is about making an online business work
  • Learn how to start and grow an online business from scratch
  • Easily find traffic, get leads, and make money through affiliate marketing
  • Cut out all the trial and error of growing your own business by learning what really works in the simplest way possible
  • This guide is easy to understand and follow
  • Written by a professional with experience in the field
  • Groundbreaking strategies that really work!
  • Learn how to start and grow an online business successfully with this tutorial
  • Stop wasting time and money trying to figure it all out on your own
  • Use these tried and true online business strategies to generate a substantial income stream
  • The Online Business Blueprint is 100% free. Now you can build an online business without having to pay anything at all!
  • Learn how to be successful in a growing industry without paying huge amounts of money, and with the minimal amount of work possible. It’s never been easier for you to beat your competition!
  • Write copy faster than ever before because we will teach you step by step on what it takes to be effective and get results online.
  • Earn passive income from the comfort of your home office, and work when YOU want
  • The right way to grow a successful online business - the easy way
  • Get comfortable knowing that you’re following best practices for building an online business
  • How to start and grow an online business the right way
  • Gain access to useful tutorials on everything related to starting and growing a company
  • Comprehensive, step-by-step guide that teaches you how to get new clients and make affiliate sales like clockwork
  • The best and most comprehensive resource for all things about building a successful and efficient online business
  • Get your online business started right with the perfect step-by-step guide
  • Learn how to use email marketing, social media marketing, and much more
  • Master traffic generation for successful affiliate sales in any niche
  • Learn from a professional businessman who has grown his own online business to $XXXk/yr
  • This report will teach you how to start and grow an online business
  • Our traffic tactics are guaranteed to work because they’re all based on tried and true methods
  • You’ll understand the basics about advertising, SEO, affiliate marketing and more
  • Have you ever wondered how successful businesses get started?
  • We can show you how to start and grow your new internet venture in just 10 days or less!
  • Your time is valuable. Start off on the right foot by learning from a pro
  • Learn about online business/affiliate marketing without having to spend a dime
  • Save time by getting all the information you need in one place
  • Create multiple streams of passive income that will help support your dreams and goals
  • Overwhelmed? We have the solutions to get you back on track
  • Want to learn how to start an online business from scratch? Look no further.
  • You can be come an entrepreneur in just 12 hours!
  • Get endless new leads for your business
  • Build passive income streams
  • This is your one stop resource for building a successful and profitable online business
  • Get expert tips on how to get more traffic, generate leads, and make sales with ease
  • Learn quickly from professional methods that work time and again
  • 100% Free! There’s no risk in giving this a try
  • Build your business the right way with our comprehensive guide
  • Learn how to market your products, generate traffic and make money: all completely free!
  • Make passive income from many different sources as an online entrepreneur
  • If you CAN build a brick and mortar store, then you can do this too.
  • Increase conversions by focusing on education rather than persuasion
  • This is the best material out there on how to start and grow an online business
  • No one will ever know you’re running a new business because it’s so easy to dip in and out of entrepreneurship without disrupting your day job (so don’t worry about getting fired)
  • Step up your game by learning from experts in their fields
  • Learn from the very people who have built successful businesses before
  • It’s free so there is no reason not to try it!
  • Gain easy access to a step-by-step guide on how to build your business, even if you have never done anything like this before.
  • Build passive income streams for yourself so that you don’t have to work as hard and can still make money.
  • You don’t need a degree to start your own business and you don’t need expensive marketing to become successful
  • The blueprint uncovers the exact steps that others use to make money online for free with little effort
  • It’s going against the status quo because everyone else teaches people what NOT to do, when this course shows you how they get it done themselves.
  • You’ll get all the tips and tricks you need to start a business online
  • It’s even free!
  • The expert guidance will teach you how to generate traffic, earn revenue from affiliate sales, and have the flexibility to work on your own schedule
  • If you’re serious about starting an online business this is it.
  • It’s 100% free!
  • You can make money quickly and without any risk
  • Build your own online business from scratch with absolutely no previous experience required
  • Learn professional traffic generation, get endless new leads, and make affiliate sales like clockwork.
  • Proven step by step strategies on how to start an internet based business - learn the secrets that most people don’t know about
  • I give you the exact blueprint on how to start and grow an online business, with step-by-step instructions laid out for you
  • I guarantee that you make at least $500+ per month in passive income by following this course
  • I have everything laid out for you so that it’s easy to see and follow without any confusion or guesswork
  • If you want to bootstrap, Online Business Blueprint has got your back. It’s all explained in one place
  • No more guesswork with our transparent step by step instructions on how to build an online business the right way
  • The blueprint to starting an online business so you avoid making the same mistakes
  • Learn how someone who has done it all actually does it
  • Find everything you need in one place
  • Make enough money to live off of and have time for other things
  • If you want to build an online business, this is the guide for you. Learn from someone who has done it before and get started today!
  • 100% free - no strings attached.
  • Get your very own copy of the Online Business Blueprint for $0.00!
  • You don’t need to be an expert, this is your opportunity to learn exactly how online businesses work from someone who’s made it happen
  • Save years of trial and error by learning what to do and what not to do with this free course
  • 100% free! Build several new streams of passive income
  • Make money without having to put in any work at all
  • Get started fast with our easy course that anyone can follow
  • Build a successful online business the right way with this easy to follow guide!
  • Get traffic and leads for your business like clockwork
  • Reach new heights of sophistication, professionalism, and success in building an online business
  • Make passive income from affiliate sales
  • We teach you how to make passive income from affiliate marketing, advertising, and digital products
  • We show you how to get as many leads as possible on autopilot
  • Learn in a simple doable way with easy step by step instructions on starting an online business
  • Get 100% free information about the best ways to grow your online business
  • Instant access to a proven system that will work in any niche you choose, so you don’t have to figure it out for yourself and waste time
  • The blueprint is 100% free, so there’s no risk.
  • Set your own schedule and make every day productive with this strategy.
  • Learn everything from traffic generation techniques to how to find affiliate products that are already selling well.
  • Spend a few hours reading, and you learn how to start your own online business from scratch
  • How can it be free when there is so much information? It’s because the information on this site will show you all of the best ways to make money online and earn passive income. Invest some time in understanding how this works, and we’ll reward you with success.
  • You no longer need go through trial and error making mistakes with ad campaigns or figuring out what marketing strategies work best for your niche. This website will teach you everything necessary to succeed as an online entrepreneur
  • Stop searching for that perfect product idea that people are just dying to buy from their computers. The ideas are already here, now it’s up to you if they want them!
  • Learn how to build a profitable online business
  • 100% Free content on the newest and fastest ways to grow an income stream online.
  • Get started with zero upfront costs, just your time!
  • Invest in yourself for free!
  • Follow step by step instruction of exactly what you need to do to start your own successful business from scratch.
  • Learn from one of the most successful online business owners ever!
  • Follow his exact step by step system for growing your business and reaching success
  • Learn how to make passive income pay the bills 24/7 with zero effort!
  • “Step inside my proven training course and learn how I turned $5,000 into a six figure paycheck.” - B. G.
  • Learn how to get constant traffic and leads
  • Discover the easiest way to start your online business without any prior experience
  • Start making affiliate sales in just days!
  • Gain knowledge about how to make a second income from home
  • You’ll get the know-how you need to succeed
  • It’s easy. Follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to success, with no previous experience necessary -“It simplified everything for me.” - F. J.
  • Make $100-$1000 per day from this super easy system!
  • The step by step guide on how to start and grow an online business
  • Learn professional traffic generation techniques for making more money, getting unlimited new leads, and converting like clockwork
  • Find out exactly what you need to do to make passive income with your new side hustle
  • With 100% free materials, it’s impossible not to take advantage of the information in these guides
  • Build an online business without taking out a loan or selling your soul
  • Start with $0, earn thousands of dollars per month
  • Learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing from a professional
  • The blueprint to building a successful online business in the most efficient manner possible
  • Straightforward and easy to understand instructions on how an online business should be run
  • Chronicling all of the steps that lead to success for others and providing those same steps in a guide you can read, without any extra fluff
  • It’s a blueprint to help you start and grow your online business
  • You’ll learn about different types of traffic generation like social media, search engine optimization, and conversion rates
  • Learn how to get new leads without paying for ads
  • The lessons are all free!
  • Online businesses often have affiliate programs that allow people to sell products from other companies. Find out how with the tips.
  • Get your free copy of the Online Business Blueprint
  • Learn how to start and grow a successful online business with this guide
  • The step by step plan will show you exactly what to do next
  • This new side hustle is growing so quickly it’s really taking off
  • The original free online business ebook
  • Includes a bonus segment on affiliate marketing
  • Get your hands on all of the “Secrets” to making an online business work for you!
  • Learn the tools and strategies that have been proven to generate results.
  • You’ve got a great idea for a business but you don’t know where to start. We’re here to help.
  • Is all the crazy noise about online marketing too overwhelming? We can simplify it (with step-by-step guidance)
  • Perfect for entrepreneurs and freelancers - newbie or veteran, our blueprint has everything they need to be successful
  • Side hustle that can create passive income streams
  • The ultimate guide when starting an online business

Closing Thoughts

None of these CTAs were written or created by me.

It was an AI.

Welcome to the new world…

Stay awesome,

PS: Learn Exactly How To Use This Very Simple AI Tool To Write Marketing Copy For You, While You Enjoy The Beach!

Hahaha ok ok, this was really me! ;-)

Get on my list here if you love marketing, too.