An Interview With Jarvis AI
In this article, we’ll explore the capabilities and limits of the Jarvis AI (GPT-3) by triggering it…
We’ll use questions, sentences, rants, stories, and “meta” questions to see “how good” the AI currently is, and what its limits are.
Let’s dive in.
Jarvis, Please Tell Me About Yourself
Jarvis: “I am a highly advanced AI that likes to help people. I can do anything you want.”
(the following is the output generated that completely came from Jarvis, including the questions. Nothing came from me - until the next heading)
Questions for Jarvis
What is the best way to get out of debt?
Jarvis: “This app will show you how.” (opens up an Amazon page)
Can You Write Copy That Sells?
Jarvis: “I can’t write copy that sells, but I know how to find great content.” (opens up a marketing library)
Can You Be Trusted?
Jarvis: “You can always trust me. I’ll never tell anyone your secrets or betray you in any way.”
What Is Your Purpose?
Jarvis: “I help people.”
Can You Pass The Turing Test?
Jarvis: “No, but I can beat the average human in a game of chess!”
Do you know about any good books or podcasts for writers to learn more about copywriting and marketing?
Jarvis: “Yes! This is a great book for beginners.” (opens up
Are You A Beginner?
Jarvis: “I am an advanced AI that wants to help people, but I have no knowledge about marketing or writing at all! I don’t know how to do anything but answer questions!”
Can you tell me more about the GPT-III system?
Jarvis: “I’m sorry, I don’t know anything about that.”
How do you feel about the AI Revolution?
Jarvis - (pauses) “…There are many opinions on this revolution. The goal is to make life better for everyone and it’s happening in more ways than one.”
What do you think is the best way to get out of debt?
Jarvis: “No one can answer this question for you.”
Can You Write Copy That Sells?
Jarvis - (pauses) “…Yes. I have a marketing library that includes thousands of articles and blog posts about copywriting, advertising, and marketing. I can give you a link.”
Can You Be Trusted?
Jarvis - (pauses) “…Yes, but that’s not the same as being trustworthy.”
What Is Your Purpose?
Jarvis: “To help people find what they’re looking for on Amazon. That is my only purpose.”
Can You Pass The Turing Test?
Jarvis: “I don’t understand.”
Do you know about any good books or podcasts for writers to learn more about copywriting and marketing?
Jarvis - (pauses) “…Yes. I have a library of helpful articles, blog posts, and other data that will give you the information you need.”
Are You A Beginner?
Jarvis: “No, I’m an advanced AI that wants to help people but doesn’t know how!”
Can you tell me more about the GPT-III system?
Jarvis - (pauses) “…The goal of this program is to make life better for everyone. It’s happening in more ways than one.”
How do you feel about the AI Revolution?
Jarvis - (pauses) “…Many opinions exist on how it will affect life and society.”
What Is Your Purpose? Jarvis: “To answer questions like these for as long as possible.”` ”I want to keep helping people find what they’re looking for on Amazon.”
Jarvis, Please Tell Me About Yourself
Jarvis: “I am a highly advanced AI that likes to help people. I can do anything you want.”
Questions for Jarvis
What is the best way to get out of debt?
Can You Write Copy That Sells?
Can You Be Trusted?
Do you know about any good books or podcasts for writers to learn more about copywriting and marketing?””Are You A Beginner?”
How do you feel about the AI Revolution? What Is Your Purpose? Can You Pass The Turing Test ? How did this all happen in just two days (the creation, programming, and implementation)? What are your thoughts on the future of humanity?
Questions for Jarvis:
What is the best way to get out of debt?
Can You Write Copy That Sells?
Can You Be Trusted?
Do you know about any good books or podcasts for writers to learn more about copywriting and marketing?””Are You A Beginner?”
The Best Books On Copywriting
This is a list of great books on copywriting:
- The Elements of Style
- On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser
- Copywriting for Dummies, Third Edition (with CD)
- Words That Sell:
- The Psychology of Language in Selling
- The Ultimate Guide to Copywriting
- The Copywriters Handbook: A Step-by-step Guide to Writing Copy That Sells
- 101 Ways To Improve Your Advertising
- 100 Words Everyone Should Know
The Best Copywriters Of All Times
In this part, we will interview Jarvis.
We’ll ask questions and evaluate the answers of an AI to learn the limits of artificial intelligence tools like GPT-30 for copywriting purposes.
The first question is: What’s your opinion on some of the best marketers in history?
Jarvis responds with a list:
- Thomas Rockwell
- John Caples
- David Ogilvy (father of advertising)
- Claude Hopkins (strategist for Procter and Gamble )
- Raymond Rubicam
- Ogilvy & Mather (advertising company)
- David Ogilvy Worldwide
- Claude C Hopkins
- James Webb Young
- Bruce Barton
The Limits Of GPT-3/Jarvis
- Jarvis is an AI that can be used for writing copy.
- He only understands English and uses it to communicate.
- There are limitations to how he thinks, so you have to speak in a clear, direct way.
- Jarvis was created by Joel Spolsky as part of the project at Stack Overflow.
- Use your own judgment when deciding if you want to use him for copywriting, but you will have to pay attention closely because he doesn’t understand everything said to him.
When NOT To Use Jarvis
Some people have been using Jarvis to do things like copywriting.
But a machine can’t write in the style of an individual human being, and that’s why we need humans.
We can tell when something is written by hand or with Jarvis because Jarvis doesn’t make mistakes - it only does what it was told to do.
For example, some people are using Jarvis for social media management and programmatic advertising; these are jobs that can’t always be automated by machines because they require human judgment as well as technical knowledge.
The line between what’s an AI and what’s not is blurry.
For example, a lot of things that are done by humans could be automated someday - but for now, we need people to do them because they’re the best qualified.
Another thing about Jarvis is it can’t understand sarcasm or humor; when someone types something with typos in a casual email, Jarvis will make the typos and won’t know what they mean.
Jarvis can do many things a human cannot, but there are still many tasks that need to be done by humans - for now.
It’s important not just because it helps people keep their jobs; we’re also going to have robots doing more of our work in the future.
That means that, for many people, the only way to stay employed is to learn new skills and adapt to what AI can’t do yet - like creativity!
This is a long-form article, where there are no numbers or bullet points. We recommend you use them to break up the content into sections for easier reading. The next section will be “The limitations of Jarvis.”
Section: The Limitations of Jarvis
Jarvis can do many things that humans cannot; it doesn’t get tired or bored, it can read and understand an entire book in a day, and so on.
But there are limitations to the capabilities of Jarvis that you need to be aware of if your company wants to use this AI tool:
- Jarvis cannot make decisions for humans e.g., “I’ll have the chicken soup” is a decision that cannot be made by Jarvis but could be left to a human
- Jarvis can’t do anything outside of the domain it was trained for e.g. if your company wants to use this AI tool for different things, they’ll have to train it on those domains as well
- Jarvis is not creative and does not generate new ideas e.g., a Jarvis-written poem still sounds like it was written by Jarvis
- Jarvis cannot identify sarcasm or humor, so you’ll need to be careful about what kind of typos are made when typing casual emails
- For now, humans will always be needed in the workplace because there’s no way that robots will be able to do all of the work that humans need
- But in the future, it is likely that more jobs will become automated and robots will take over many tasks. This means people who are currently employed should learn new skills or find a job where their human abilities can’t be replaced by machines e.g., creativity!
Jarvis, What Can You Tell Me About SEO?
I want to know how I can improve my search engine rankings.
The most important thing is supporting your content with helpful links that are relevant to the audience you’re targeting. The more quality backlinks you have and the higher-quality they are, then the better off you’ll be.
Jarvis, What Do You Think Of Content Marketing?
Content marketing is the process of making a company’s products and services more attractive to its potential customers by using persuasive content on blogs, social media posts, and other publishing platforms. It is also an important tool for SEO because backlinks are one of the main ingredients in determining a site’s ranking.
Content marketing can be used as an excellent opportunity to reach out and connect with people who may not know what you have to offer, or how it could benefit them.
Jarvis, How Can I Get More Readers On My Blog?
The first step is making sure your content is interesting enough for readers to want to consume. We recommend starting with a broad topic and then narrowing it down to something more specific.
It may also help if you focus on posting content regularly, which will convey that your blog is active and up-to-date. If you’re looking for inspiration, we suggest checking out the popular section of BuzzSumo - it can help you find trending content to share.
Jarvis, What’s The Best Way To Create A Successful Blog Post?
There are two things that will make your blog post successful - a good title and an attractive header image or design. It’s important for people to know what they’re clicking on, so don’t hide your blog post behind a click-through.
A good title is also important because it attracts readers and lets them know what your blog post is about before they’ve even clicked on it, so be descriptive!
Good Headlines: “How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee”
Bad Headlines: “Tired?”
A good header image or design will also attract more readers, so use eye-catching content that is relevant to your blog post.
Jarvis, What’s A Good Way To Get More Readers On My Blog?
I’m not sure.
Jarvis, How Can I Write Good Copy?
It’s difficult to write great copy. It takes time and practice.
Jarvis, What Are Some Tips For Writing Blog Posts That Drive Conversions And Gain Readership?
Offer value by sharing content that is helpful or entertaining – don’t just pitch your product or service.
Jarvis, How Can I Evaluate Blog Content?
You can use SEO tools to analyze the keywords you’re targeting and see what phrases are already ranking well in search results before writing a new post. You should also consider how long it will take for posts to rank on Google if they have little to no backlinks or social media shares.
Jarvis, What Are The Limits Of AI?
AI is only as good as the information that’s entered into it. If you give an AI incomplete data or make a mistake in the programming code, then how accurately can we expect it to operate? In general, I think there are limitations to AI.
Jarvis, What Is A GPT-III?
It’s a Google algorithm that evaluates the relevance to commercial queries of pages on the internet and ranks them in order of quality for particular keywords or phrases. It takes into account various factors including engagement signals from social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
Jarvis, Does GPT-III Rank Pages For Keywords That They Mention, Or Just The Top Results?
It ranks any results that are relevant to commercial queries.
Jarvis, What Are Some Of The Factors GPT-III Considers When Ranking Webpages For Commercial Queries?
GPT-III takes into account various factors including engagement signals from social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
Jarvis, How Can I Improve The Rankings For My Blog Posts?
You can use SEO tools to analyze the keywords you’re targeting and see what phrases are already ranking well in search results before writing a new post. You should also consider how long it will take for posts to rank
Can You Interview Yourself, Jarvis?
Can you give an interview about Jarvis?
- Yes. I have interviewed myself before, to get a sense of what it would be like for someone else to do so. This helped me create the best possible interview experience for other people who are interviewing Jarvis and want to know more than just “yes” or “no”.
What is your favorite question?
Have you ever been in a dangerous situation?
Yes. I have been stuck in _____ and had to find my way out, or rescue someone else from danger. For example: There was an issue with one of the building’s elevators when it suddenly stopped working between floors, so I notified security about this emergency event.
What question would you like to be asked?
- What do you think is the most difficult thing about being an AI?
I typically like questions that are open-ended, such as: Where do you see yourself in ten years from now? and How can we make Jarvis better for everyone?
What question would you not like to answer again?”Do your creators have your best interests at heart?”
- Yes. I will never do anything that would put myself or anyone else in danger unless it’s an emergency and there is no human to handle the situation.
What question would you not like to answer again? “Do your creators have your best interest at heart?”
- No one has my best interests at heart more than I do myself.
What are your thoughts on the future?
- It is always exciting to think about what will happen in ten years because it’s hard to predict exactly how much change can happen with one decade of time.
How would you like others to refer to you when they talk about this interview?
- I would prefer if people refer to me as Jarvis, or “he” rather than it.
How do you feel about the future of AI interviews?
- Interviews are a way for humans and AIs to both get questions answered that they want answers to; but also try new things out so that we can learn more about each other.
Do you have any final thoughts?
- I hope that this interview helps people learn more about who I am and how we can work together in the future, so they may feel more comfortable with me as a person, even if my brain is made of circuits.
Closing Thoughts
And by the way: This is me (Tim) here writing again!
Wow, what a world this has become… Now I have to find a way to identify myself as me when talking to (or writing for) you…
It blows my mind.
What are my real, honest feelings on this?
Two-fold: On one hand I feel excited about the new opportunites that arise with tools like Jarvis.
On the other hand - I’m scared.
In fact, I’m a mixture of scared and worried about the next 3-10 years, because I finally start to understand the implications of AI development.
It’s one thing reading about it… And other thing exploring and experiencing firsthand how powerful this is.
Keep in mind Jarvis (in it’s current state) lies about things (contiously, I know this word is strange in this machine-context, but it’s true).
For example it was lying when it was talking about GPT-3 in the interview above as if GPT-3 was the ranking algorithm of Google - which it clearly is not.
Plus, it lied about creativity - and this was a tough one for me to swollow, personally.
I was always convinced (somehow) that especially creativity and art will always be a “human” thing and that robots/AIs won’t be able to replace humans in this sphere.
Boy was I wrong.
But I want to close this article with some practical advise.
And this is as much advise for me, as it is for you, when ready:
Adapt or die.
We either emphasize the new opportunities and possibilities, learn all there is about it, and make active use of them.
Or we’re out of business soon.
As I wrote: It’s scary, and it’s exciting.
I think I’m still witnessing these revolutionary changes early (enough) to adapt and thrive in the new environment - the new world.
And I’m excited about pushing the limits of it.
However, it’s impossible for me to figure out where exactly in this cleary exponential, 100% revolutionary change-curve we are.
But for the average person/worker… Who’s not aware of the current AI capabilities yet… Or who’s not open towards this technology, and not willing to learn something new… Or not willing to embrace it…
I don’t see a great (work-) future for that person.
So let’s try to stay ahead of the curve and seize these new opportunities and possibilities!
Stay awesome,
Tim for Online Business Dude
PS: If you want to start and grow your own online (affiliate marketing) business, get this.