Acres Of Diamonds By Russell Herman Conwell
These are my book notes on Acres Of Diamonds by the author Russell Herman Conwell.
Let’s dive in.
Key Concepts & Ideas
You are - right now, at this very moment - standing in the middle of your own acres of diamonds.
- Russell Herman Conwell
In this country of ours every man has the opportunity to make more of himself than he does in his own environment, with his own skill, with his own energy, and with his own friends.
Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it.
You ought because you can do more good with it than you could without it.
[…] find out what the people want and what you ought to supply and set them down with your pencil and figure up the profits you would make if you did supply them, you would very soon see it.
There is wealth right within the sound of your voice.
You cannot trust a man with your money who cannot take care of his own.
If you had cared you would be a rich man now.
If you had cared enough about him to take an interest in his affairs, to find out what he needed, you would have been rich.
But you go through the world saying, “No opportunity to get rich,” and there is the fault right at your own door.
Then he went around first to the doors and asked the people what they did want.
Then when he had found out what they wanted he invested his 62 and a 1/2 cents to supply a known demand.
Study it wherever you choose - in business, in your profession, in your housekeeping, whatever your life, that one thing is the secret of success.
You must first know the demand.
You must first know what people need, and then invest yourself where you are most needed.
His fortune was made by his losing something, which taught him the great lesson that he must only invest himself or his money in something that people need.
It makes not so much difference where you are as who you are.
Its fortune was made by John Jacob Astor after they had failed in business, not by giving them any more money, but by finding out what the ladies liked for bonnets before they wasted any material in making them up.
Young man, remember if you know what people need you have gotten more knowledge of a fortune than any amount of capital can give you.
If you wish to be great at all, you must begin where you are and what you are, now.
Closing Thoughts
My book notes only cover small parts of the book.
So if you like what you read, please consider buying the book from the author.
Thank you for reading and stay awesome,
Tim for Online Business Dude
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