These are my book notes on 300 Email Marketing Tips by the author Meera Kothand.

You can find The One Hour Content Plan from the same author here.

Let’s dive in.


  • Title: 300 Email Marketing Tips
  • Subtitle: Critical Advice, Strategies & Ideas To Turn Subscribers Into Buyers & Grow A Six-Figure Business With Email
  • Author: Meera Kothand
  • Author’s website:
  • First published: 2019
  • Type: non fiction
  • Genre: marketing / email marketing
  • Rating: 4/5
  • Recommended: Yes

Table Of Contents Of The Book

  • Introduction - The Big, Bold Promise
    1. Tips To Brand Your Email List
    2. Tips To Create A Compelling Lead Magnet
    3. Tips To Capture & Convert Traffic To Subscribers
    4. Tips To Create A Brand-Boosting Welcome Email
    5. Tips To Nurture New Subscribers On Auto With A Welcome Email Series/Nurture Sequence
    6. Tips To Fill Your Email Editorial Calendar
    7. Tips To Monetize Your Email List
    8. Tips To Measure Your Email Performance
    9. Tips To Write Emails That Get Clicks And Opens
    10. Tips To Create Email Systems
  • Conclusion + Next Steps

Key Concepts & Ideas

The case for email:

  • Email gives you more than one opportunity to sell
  • You own your email list
  • There’s less competition
  • Email helps establish trust

At any time, there are one of six people interacting with your brand:

Stranger -> Reader -> Subscriber -> Engaged Subscriber -> Customer -> Brand Advocate

It can take several touch points before a customer recognizes your name and is aware of what your business can do for them.

A marketing funnel is the pathway by which someone goes from Stranger to Brand Advocate.

And email marketing is a crucial component that helps you move your readers from one stage to the next in your funnel - from having no awareness to knowing who you are, recognizing what you do, and knowing how your business can help them.

More subscribers ≠ better

It’s about the relationship you have with your list.

The 5-Step Activation Process

  1. traffic to your website
  2. capture this traffic via lead capture, opt-in form or landing page
  3. present your new subscriber with a one-time offer
  4. new subscriber receives your welcome email
  5. send a dedicated series of follow-up emails (sequence) that primes and nudges that subscriber toward that end goal

Example Types Of Emails

  • Common FAQs
  • Affiliate case study
  • Teaser to an existing post
  • Tools and resources
  • The Start Here
  • Break the myths
  • Behind the scenes
  • Personal story
  • One-click survey
  • Survey or How can I help you?
  • Postpurchase welcome email
  • Unexpected incentive email
  • Favorite thing

Meera Kothand On Plain Text Emails

  1. Plain text emails have a higher open rate than emails with images.​
  2. Plain text emails have a better chance of rendering the way you want them to across different devices.
  3. An image-dense email also trips up the spam and promotion filters.

Always run a seed test on a subset of your subscribers to make sure that your emails are landing in the inboxes of your subscribers before you send out your email to your entire list.

What unique benefits do you offer your subscribers by being on your list?

The Author On 7 Elements Of A High Converting Lead Magnet

  1. It’s Easily Consumable
  2. It Provides A Quick Win
  3. It’s Highly Specific
  4. It Leads Your Audience Through A Change
  5. It Talks About One Idea
  6. It Addresses A Problem They Are Already Aware Of
  7. It Leads To An Existing/Future Product Or Service

Meera Kothand On Common Mistakes Of Your Welcome Email

  • it sounds completely different from your other content
  • it doesn’t state why you are the best person to help them
  • it does not hint at an invitation to converse with you
  • it promises you won’t send too many emails
  • it sounds like a goodbye
  • it does not tease and intrigue
  • it has too many asks

Why People Unsubscribe

  • They receive too many emails
  • Their direction or focus has changed, and your emails are not relevant to them anymore
  • They are at a different experience level than your target audience
  • They can’t remember how they got on your list in the first place

Tips To Write Emails That Get Clicks And Opens

  • Write Emails For Skimmers
    • Make the first sentence of your email attention-grabbing and short.
    • Ensure each paragraph consists of three sentences maximum
    • One point or thought = one sentence
    • Bold important words to bring the reader’s focus on them
    • Use “you” in your emails so that your reader identifies with them
  • Use A Postscript (P.S.) - “An Unused P.S. Is Wasted Email Real Estate.”
  • Write Like You Talk
  • Start Emails By Dropping The Reader Right In The Middle Of The Action
  • Make Email Subject Lines Clear, Catchy, And Actionable
  • Have A Clear Simple Call To Action

Closing Thoughts

My book notes only cover small parts of the book.

So if you like what you read, please consider buying the book from the author.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

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