Welcome to my brutally honest review of 1 Page Profits by Brendan Mace. We’ll take a look at what 1 Page Profits is, who Brendan Mace is, what 1 Page Profits does and helps with, who can profit from it, and who should stay away.

Let’s dive in.

Fact Sheet

1 Page Profits By Brendan Mace

  • Product name: 1 Page Profits
  • Creator: Brendan Mace
  • First release: 2020-04-23
  • Product website: 1PageProfitz.com
  • Type: 5 DFY Bridge Pages
  • Price: $13
  • Rating: 1/5
  • Recommended: No

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How Does The Backend/Software Look Like?

Here’s how the software looks like after your first login:

1 Page Profits Screenshot

As you can see, there’s no (video) training included and you don’t have many options.

Who Is Brendan Mace?

I’ve already reviewed other products by Brendan Mace.

If you want to find out more about Brendan: click here

All Available “Pre-Sell”/Bridge Pages

These are all available pre-sell pages of 1 Page Profits.

I have a hard time calling them “pre-sell” pages, because they’re more like “bad fake reviews”.

But see for yourself:

Campaign Name Presell Page
ClickBank University 2.0 click here
Ted’s Woodworking click here
Leptitox click here
Manifestation Magic click here
His Secret Obsession click here

So, in case you decide to buy 1 Page Profits, these are the exact same pages you’d be getting - with your affiliate link in it.

What I Don’t Like About 1 Page Profits

The sales page is extremely misleading, especially in terms of “Free Traffic”.

Let me show you what I mean.

This is what you’ll see once you click on “Instant Traffic” in the menu of 1 Page Profits:

Instant Traffic Screenshot

As you can see, the “instant traffic” are simply share buttons for several social media networks.

This means, you’d already need a huge, existing audience on any of those platforms in order so see results.

If you don’t have an existing, huge audience, you will NOT see any traffic through sharing your page wiht that platform/social media network.

Furthermore, the software promises to build automatic backlinks to your pages. This “feature” doesn’t work, but honestly, even if it did, it would be of no real benefit to you.

A bunch of spammy, farmed backlinks wouldn’t bring in any traffic.

Quite the opposite: If it worked, you’d rather harm your site authority/credibility and devalue it in the eyes of Google.

Here’s the reality: There simply is no automated, free traffic.

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Very Misleading Sales Page

On the sales page you can read that “Buying ads is so 2019. With One Page Profits, free traffic is included so you can save your $ for something less risky, like skydiving.”

As I already pointed out, there is NO free traffic.

It’s a blunt lie.

Furthermore, the sales page reads: “Is email even a thing anymore? This system works perfectly without a list, following, or even a personal cult.”

But what’s the main purpose of launching products like this for Brendan Mace?

It’s to build a list of buyers.

And that’s very powerful.

But coming back to the sales page, it’s just misleading to say you don’t need a following for this to work.

Plus, I highly recommend you (start to) build an email list, as this can become your very own distribution channel.

A Few General Comments And Thoughts

They tell you (on the sales pages) that you don’t need to create your own product.

But then: Why do THEY create a product to tell/teach you that?

Answer: To build a list of buyers that they can market to, over and over again.

They tell you that you don’t need to build an (email) list.

But then they market their shiny objects/”products” to you via sending out emails!

Why? Because it’s one of the most effective methods to professionally market online.

As of today, the product has sold over 15,000 times.

Do you really think that these very basic pre-sell pages still work?

I highly doubt it.

Maybe with extremely targeted, warm traffic - that’s NOT coming from any push-button software.

But even then, you could easily build something better - for free.


I hope you got something out of my review of 1 Page Profits by Brendan Mace.

I’d rather check out this free alternative:

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Stay awesome,