What are PLR products, and how can I profit from PLR?

You’re in the right spot, that’s exactly what will discuss below… 🙂

By the time you’ve finished reading, you know everything there is to know about PLR products and how to make money with them.

Let’s dive in.

What Are PLR Products?

PLR stands for Private Label Rights.

PLR contents and products, give you the rights - depending on the license terms - to

  • edit, change or modify,
  • rebrand and re-launch,
  • distribute and sell

these products.

In simple terms, you buy the rights to use the product “as if it was your own”.

In some cases, you can even turn around and sell these products with their respective private label rights. (known as Master Resell Rights)

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Why Should I Consider PLR Products?

Consumer spending on digital content is on the rise.

If you want to participate and profit from this trend, you have three options:

  1. Create a digital product yourself (ebook, course, software, …)
  2. Use a white-labeled or PLR product “as your own product”
  3. Sell other people’s products (affiliate marketing)

If you have the time and skills, and you know exactly what your audience wants, you definitely want to go with option 1:

Product creation by yourself.

But if you’re just starting out with marketing stuff online, chances are, you don’t have the skills to create and sell your own products yet.

Besides lacking the necessary skills, time constraints and laziness are the main reasons online marketers resort to PLR products instead.

There are a lot of use-cases for PLR products.

Common Use-Cases For PLR Products

  • Give away a PLR product like an ebook or course as a free gift for new subscribers to your email list (lead magnet)
  • Put the PLR products into a membership program and sell membership access (recurring income from membership)
  • Use the PLR product as an upsell/downsell in a sales funnel (funnel product)
  • Use it as an incentive in your promotions (bonus)
  • Learn from the PLR product, model, re-write and publish it online (traffic generation)
  • Translate the PLR product into a different language and publish it (translation/new market)
  • Change the type of content from written to video, for example (change content type/form)
  • Re-package the PLR product and launch as your own (re-launch)
  • Sell several PLR products on a CD/USB thumb drive (sell as a physical product/re-package - higher perceived value)
  • Educate yourself and learn from the PLR content (learn)

Where Can I Get High Quality PLR Products?

You’ll find all kinds of PLR membership sites and PLR product vendors out there.

They consistently produce and release new, updated, high quality PLR products like ebooks, software, videos, articles, templates, lists, graphics, music, and much more.

I don’t want to make any specific recommendation here, in order to keep this article real.

Furthermore, I suggest no matter what kind of PLR you’re buying, to always customize and change it to your needs.

Closing Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this short article on how to make money with PLR products.

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,

Tim for Online Business Dude

PS: Start And Grow Your Own Online Business, From Scratch, Today!

==> This Is How.